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Welcome to the successor to

Robin Jayasinghe

@compositor thought this morning that it's just a matter of time until a Fedi instance called Wayland turns up.. 🤷🏾‍♂️😅

Hippo 🍉

@rjayasinghe @compositor took me a minute to get it but this is funny 😂️

(Also very meta? 🤪️)

Antoine Taly

@badrihippo @rjayasinghe @compositor so it is a meta joke about ... Shouldn't someone make a threads about it? ;-)


@rjayasinghe What's the significance of the word Wayland? I haven't seen any news explaining it.

Robin Jayasinghe

@kctipton Wayland being the successor of X(11)

I fear that’s a joke for Linux people 😇


@kctipton @rjayasinghe I would expect it to be a reference to Weyland-Yutani, but that's spelled differently

Mia // Davixxa

@jane_lance @kctipton @rjayasinghe As someone else pointed out - it's a reference to Wayland, the successor to X11.

Both are things that make GUIs work on Linux (and other UNIXlikes)

etym dub


From the bulging file of 'things I suspect but never got round to chasing down':

Ridley Scott being a Brit & all, I always wondered if he just nicked that name off a roadsign & tweaked the spelling...

@kctipton @rjayasinghe


@kctipton @rjayasinghe
TLDR On Linux and other Unix-like operating systems if you wanted to see anything other than text you used to use something called XWindows, or X. Everything else ran on top of that. Wayland has now (mostly) replaced it because its been getting really long in the tooth for a piece of software (been around since 1984) and full of kludges to run on modern hardware (although as shade tree mechanics say, if it's stupid and it works, it's not stupid)


@rjayasinghe i appreciate all the details, thanks.


@compositor I would rather call it Wasteland, but yes ...


@rnd @compositor X is the successor to W, Y-land is the successor to X.

kuna wasn't that like a game where soldiers miss an allium from three paces

Taylor Stearns

@compositor I'm already looking for ways to get in on that hot hot Wayland IPO


@compositor Matt Stone and Trey Parker are gonna have a field day when they found out about this


Everybody was looking to buy , you had done better ❤️

@compositor this is gonna spark whole new flamewars in the window compositor debatespace
@compositor I had to do a wiki search to get the joke ! 😆

I will never change windowing systems you can't force me


@compositor (can someone please explain the joke? I don't get?)

Robert "Szkodnix" Elon Musk announced that he is renaming Twitter to X. In the Linux world, X (or X11) and Wayland are two windowing systems (X is mostly old and quite outdated).

This joke just had to be made

IzzyOnDroid ✅

@bookstardust is called the successor of the X11 display server on Linux machines, see They are referenced to as "Wayland" and "X" respective. So yes, this is a kind of "Linux joke".

And in case of vs. a real good one 🤣

Jan Helms

@IzzyOnDroid @bookstardust That's too deep for me. My first thought was: "Weyland Yutani, but with wrong spelling."

IzzyOnDroid ✅

@janhelms different worlds: that one doesn't ring a bell with me 🙈 @bookstardust

Jan Helms

@IzzyOnDroid @bookstardust I have linux mint on my laptop, but basically I'm a N00b... :-) Mr Weyland of Weyland Yutani is the self-made billionaire with too much hubris that wants to live forever and to converse with aliens on eye level in "Alien Prometheus". Not a great movie, but Weyland resembles Elmo Murks to a certain degree.


Didn't ring a bell to me too first, but now I don't understand how could I forget about it, Weyland Corporation from the Alien franchise!
I've even made a joke once by drawing a parallel between the two — the compositor and the fictional corporation 😂
@IzzyOnDroid @bookstardust

Valentin Petzel

@bookstardust @compositor I suppose it is a pun on Musk rebranding Twitter. Wayland is a display protocol intended to replace the X display server on Linux systems.

Pablo M.U. :vericol:

@compositor Damn, you really committed to this niche joke.

Peter H. Fröhlich

@compositor Just to make sure, that idiocy is what later turned into PayPal, right? Or is my old mind playing tricks on me?

Marc McDonald

@compositor But when does the merger with Yutani Corp take place?


@compositor aahhhhh nice. The only good joke about this whole episode.

Тр3тий Сергеевич

@compositor Seeing Weyland-Yutani joke mentioned twice in this thread makes me happy.

Ryan 🐧

So if I access this instance using a computer with an Nvidia GPU, am I going to have a buggy experience?
(Octothorp-WakaWakaWaka) 🤪

@kerneltux So long as your NVIDIA driver supports GBM (Going Beyond Musk), you should have an acceptable experience.

bazkie bumpercar

@compositor did you specifically set up a whole Mastodon instance just to make this pun? :clapping:

Cyberlux Compucat

@compositor Funny, the moment people talked about how the X logo looked a lot like the X Window System logo, I joked about someone making a "" instance. Guess someone actually made it!

CyberCat 2000 (Starstor... Yesterday at 1:44 PM
Inb4 someone names their Mastodon or Firefish instance "" to complete the set
Dana Fried


"Welcome to the successor to"

Captain America "I understood that reference" meme

I'm feeling so smug for getting this tbh

remote procedure chris

@compositor fedi people really keep that thing (domain registrar) on them

Gert van Dijk

@compositor Haha, I was looking for whoever made this joke already before I would make it. And there we go. 👌👍😂


did someone just buy a domain name to run a mastodon instance only to make a linux joke?


A real pity the best joke is also deep nerd lore #RIPTwitterBird #twitternotx

Michael T Babcock

@compositor that's a joke I can't explain to any of my friends in under five minutes. But I love it.
#funny #tech #joke #Linux


I go to work very early. I read the joke and only learned about the rebranding that prompted it hours later!


@compositor You may want to look at for information on running glyph-banning Mastodon. Oulipo has its own localization and such.

Bill :tux: 🌌

@compositor I am so tempted to switch servers for the meme alone :nkolul:

must resist the temptation :nkoNotLikeThis:


Was this gag the sole reason for hosting this instance?
Am I witnessing a case of shithosting?


@compositor, building better social networks :P


@compositor You're really tempting me to switch instances.

Ewan Donnachie

This is the kind of joke you could only make on mastodon 😆


@compositor there's still time before the mergers

Weyland Yutani logo, a wide yellow W, with 3 silver triangles in the gaps, so it looks like a W superimposed on a Y
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