@Sheril So frustrating that a meta analysis from a decade ago that was mostly guess work and approximation is still being sited as an accurate rate of cat caused bird deaths. They even state in the appendix that while most bird deaths are attributed to feral cats "no empirically driven estimate of un-owned cat abundance exists for the contiguous U.S."
Here is a break down of why the data is essentially intentional misinformation from the NIH
@BlinkPopShift @Sheril thanks for sharing, this is interesting and relevant.
I'd just add that the original argument that wind turbines are not the worst, most evil bird killer ever, probably still holds given the orders of magnitude.
Also the review states that pressure from cats is not a problem if populations remain sustainable, which is valid in theory; but we know that bird populations are in fact dropping fast in most places, so any pressure that can be avoided ideally should be.