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@futurebird What helped tip the scale for me was realizing Space Karen is not merely insensitive, he’s actively hateful to a bunch of groups.

Fortunately most of the people I know have bailed and infosec twitter seems to have moved entirely over here.

Still, I wonder whether Mastodon will gain traction beyond early-adopter types like us. Fingers crossed.


@mkb @futurebird the changes in current might not be as apparent to twitter users who don't discuss politics often (or US politics at least) that might explain why majority of twitter users, at least ones i used to follow, didn't ever bother with leaving except maybe in november during the 'twitter is dying for real' scare but it lasted like 2 days total


@natriumchloride @futurebird I was quite political on Birdsite but had mostly wandered away by the time Space Karen was in the picture.

At some point I realized that when I used Twitter I consistently came away angry. At that point it got a whole lot less appealing.

That said, staying off FB and Birdsite-- two of the most popular social networking sites --does limit my knowledge in some ways. I'm just not as plugged in to all the culture bits my friends are.



Same here as far as being less political on this site.

I find I do get the important news, however, and appreciate things being taken down several octaves. Blocking so many people on twitter was exhausting.

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