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It’s wild to me I still see people say that Safari and Chrome are the same rendering engine. The Blink fork happened over a decade ago, they’ve drifted a ton since then.

Audrey MP [Astatide]

@misty Genuinely had to inform someone of this recently. I was like, there have been multiple real world coups and many jumps in global warming since the two forked. Multiple US presidents, as well.

Alex Michael Berry :ferris:🐈

@misty Interesting, I know next to nothing about Apple, so I always just kind of took people's word when they said that. Thanks good to know a little about the history.


@almibe WebKit is the one Apple use, which started as a fork of KHTML. Blink (Chrome) forked from WebKit in 2013 and they’ve diverged pretty far since then.

Rachel Stantz

@misty I still mentally classify them as KHTML-based browsers, but I realize that’s even more out of date.

Ian Douglas Scott

@arjache @misty Safari: a KHTML-derived browser for a NeXTSTEP-derived OS on Acorn-derived processors.

Cruising Steveswijk

@arjache @misty Haha, same here! And I still remember I was so happy they went with KHTML for Safari back then. (I was using KDE at the time…)

Chris Lilley

@arjache @misty That is like calling Firefox a Mosaic-based browser 😉

★ Amy Star ★ :verified:​

@misty I'm guilty of this, too, but in my defense, the last ten years have been A Time.


@rabcyr As much as 2013 feels like yesterday…

Brian Campbell

@misty And that's the second fork.

The original Chromium was based on a fork, then they got it merged upstream but there was still a lot that was just conditionally compiled so that there were some features only used by Chrome (for instance, it had an entirely different JavaScript engine) and some used only by the other WebKit ports.

After a while where they were maintained in one codebase but with a lot of ifdefs and divergence and conflict, they eventually forked again.

Brian Grinter

@misty @rmondello
Hold my beer
I’ve had people tell me Safari is based on Chrome

Joe Greathead

@misty Maybe they’re referring to the rendering engine setup on iOS?

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