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yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

@skye @n8 @Tusky am rabidly dyslexic and a web developer. that font is trash; but that's me. the ability to change size, color, width and density of fonts is what's not only important, but gives people like me a better array of accessibility options. i have the kind of dysgraphia where i see shapes but can't read the words. especially with black backgrounds --whole paragraphs disappear. jeffrey zeldman's web standards book really helped me create my own accessibility styleguide


@blogdiva @n8 @Tusky yeah, i am aware that it's not a great font for many people, but a crucial tool for others. isn't that the point of accessibility, to provide options for everyone so that we all get what we need? 😌

personally i strongly suspect that "dyslexia" is not the correct framework for these highly irregular fonts. many dyslexics hate them. and many non-dyslexics (like me) absolutely depend on them.

and yea as we all know, the numbers don't show a measurable improvement *for people with dyslexia*. so that is almost definitely not the reason why they are necessary for some, but doesn't change the fact that they are.

i just find it really hurtful when people like that guy dismiss real access needs as "anecdotes". that's not an anecdote, that is my life, and i struggle so much with digital access precisely because of the font issue, it eats so much of my time and energy. i'm glad that it's starting to appear on the general accessibility radar, and i hope we can normalise the ability to *choose*. not between 5 highly regular sans serif fonts witn slightly different shapes, like some apps offer, but real customisation 🥰

@blogdiva @n8 @Tusky yeah, i am aware that it's not a great font for many people, but a crucial tool for others. isn't that the point of accessibility, to provide options for everyone so that we all get what we need? 😌

personally i strongly suspect that "dyslexia" is not the correct framework for these highly irregular fonts. many dyslexics hate them. and many non-dyslexics (like me) absolutely depend on them.

yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

@skye @n8 @Tusky agreed that customization is the key to accessibility. that other person was technically not wrong; but if Tusky is gonna add it; they should consider including actually useful variable fonts

which, again, gives the user a greater array of accessibility options the devs won't necessarily have to hard code

am as anti-Google as they come but FONTS it's the only thing they got right in the last 10 years. Noto, Droid & Roboto cover a lot of smartphones

@skye @n8 @Tusky agreed that customization is the key to accessibility. that other person was technically not wrong; but if Tusky is gonna add it; they should consider including actually useful variable fonts

which, again, gives the user a greater array of accessibility options the devs won't necessarily have to hard code


@blogdiva @n8 @Tusky yeah it sounds like a useful addition! though for me neither of those 3 includes anything i can read, they are too regular. so they certainly do not cover the full range of accessibility needs.

i had to actually spend money in that samsung store thing to get fonts on my phone and tablet that i can read, since they removed the chocolate cookie font that they used to come with 😞

yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

@skye @n8 @Tusky am so mad about Samsung i can't even express my disgust and disappointment. i used to be able to root their phones and do all the UI/UX stuff i needed. Trump came and they obvs got paid off to backdoor phones in the US & Canada because it's impossible to do so anymore if you buy your phones here.

but i have a whole list of lo-fi hacks to makes those changes w/o having Samsung fuck with your UI. i gotta get my blog finally up to share that.


@blogdiva yeah i'm definitely not getting another one of those. the devices i have are gonna last a few more years but when they need replacing i am going to go with something that has free software on it, i am really done with this BS

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