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@blogdiva @n8 @Tusky yeah it sounds like a useful addition! though for me neither of those 3 includes anything i can read, they are too regular. so they certainly do not cover the full range of accessibility needs.

i had to actually spend money in that samsung store thing to get fonts on my phone and tablet that i can read, since they removed the chocolate cookie font that they used to come with 😞

yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

@skye @n8 @Tusky am so mad about Samsung i can't even express my disgust and disappointment. i used to be able to root their phones and do all the UI/UX stuff i needed. Trump came and they obvs got paid off to backdoor phones in the US & Canada because it's impossible to do so anymore if you buy your phones here.

but i have a whole list of lo-fi hacks to makes those changes w/o having Samsung fuck with your UI. i gotta get my blog finally up to share that.


@blogdiva yeah i'm definitely not getting another one of those. the devices i have are gonna last a few more years but when they need replacing i am going to go with something that has free software on it, i am really done with this BS

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