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Deborah Hartmann Preuss, pcc 🇨🇦

@sjvn there's a third scene: 1 hour at 450° (golden outside, raw inside, salmonella party later.)


@deborahh @sjvn
But at least it looks good for the management presentation.

Deborah Hartmann Preuss, pcc 🇨🇦

@geobeck @sjvn you've heard of "watermelon" status reporting? This one seems more descriptive, doesn't it? ;->

It's the demo with the hard-coded graphics.
And the Release 1 delivery that comes with a list of Release 2 features required to be functional. :-(

Alex@rtnVFRmedia Suffolk UK

@deborahh @sjvn

that perfectly describes the end result of a lot of software and hardware projects these days...

Deborah Hartmann Preuss, pcc 🇨🇦

@vfrmedia @sjvn yep. That was my first career.

(Also, I'm an impatient cook, so it's *possible* it's not just work-inspired :-P )

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