@lowqualityfacts I like the Fediverse and the few instances with which I have been associated. At least with respect to those instances, I have found aspects that are unnecessarily complicated and limited. For example, the whole idea of having to upload an image to a library on the instance to post an image on your feed is limiting, as is one’s inability to have group interactions and doc libraries a la Facebook. Could be different on other instances, don’t know, but I like my instance cuz it’s super-local. Compared to other microblogging services, such as Twitter (and now Threads), the Fediverse is superior on many levels (community selectivity, user curation, attention to historically discriminated against minorities). Curating your own exclusive local community takes some time, and so Zuck used Instagram to bridge that issue in only a way an entrenched player could. I use all these social media platforms (except Twitter now) and see no need to be exclusive.