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Can-crisociality 🦀〰️🥫

@denebeim I can't speak for @seachanger but often in my own experience, this isn't about Nazi stuff--an easy block--but about just annoying "certain people haven't had occasion to think much about this problem and center themselves in ways that much more subtly reproduce problems for other kinds of users" replies. Those, one can block out of annoyance--no one is owed our attention--but the platform-wide problem isn't then addressed at all.

Joy Denebeim :tv: :tb: :pa:

@inquiline @seachanger I'm not sure how to address that. Now I'm in a different category of attacked groups, but trans people tend to be geeky. Plus we're almost all progressive and 'woke', and know when to give up the floor.

So, it's probably the people I follow, I mean I'm sure your mastodon experience is very different depending on who you follow. And the reach of your server.

I suppose if you're on a big server there's local bad actors, but again, geek who runs who own server.

malena 👟👟

@inquiline @denebeim and I do think if more people practice mute/block with notification to other users “muting you because…” as a final reply, it will stifle their reach. A lot of people are just barely realizing we can and should enforce personal boundaries with glee on the internet (thx patriarchy). This coupled with strategic technical tweaks could def help us address the impact over time

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