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Richard MacManus

Poll: If goes ahead with its plan to add , will you follow one or more Threads users in your Mastodon account?

Anonymous poll


Heck Yeah!
Hell No!
Other (please comment)
3,889 people voted.
Voting ended 17 Jul 2023 at 10:08.

@ricmac I would change server if mine federated with threads

TerryB England, the UK

@ricmac Dunno yet. Prob not, but depends on the content.


@ricmac If I have friends who choose to use Threads and not Mastodon, of course I’ll follow them. Never followed any celebrities etc on Twitter so it will stay the same here.

@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:


There are some people I follow (and some I am mutuals with) that are on Twitter & Instagram – who aren't on (the non-Threads part of) the Fediverse, but are now on Threads.

Them being on Threads not only enables me to bring over that relationship to the Fediverse, but —

It may make it so I do not have to go over those (non-Fediverse) platforms (as much, if not at all).

Andres Jalinton

My answer is no because this instance is blocking Threads.
A few reasons:
- Too many users, it's not technically possible to enable federation.
- No moderation from Threads, enabling hate groups and doing nothing would left me with the moderation tasks.
- Moral conflict with the company, enabling genocide is not ok with me.
- Too much centralization, really we don't have much voice on how a private company uses the ActivityPub, I'm from the original ideal of decentralized networking.

Mitex Leo

@Andres @ricmac Why it's not possible to enable federation ?

Andres Jalinton

@mitexleo @ricmac
You have one POST request for every interaction (, to enable federation you must have the infrastructure to receive and process those requests, my instance is small compared with others, and can barely keep up with my followers, bringing a universe of 100 million active users, would open the possibility of millions of favs/replies/retoots that I can't handle.


@ricmac I am hoping this blows up in Meta's face and becomes a gateway drug to the for the normies.

The UX in Threads is very primitive and people looking for a better experience (or, ya know, a web interface) can easily find better options on the side.


@ricmac Still waiting for the governing body of my server to decide if they'll federate. It's an otherwise nice community with good safeguards I really appreciate, and I would be loath to move.

If they block , I won't move. If we federate with , it really depends on how many other communities then block us. There's essentially no UX for that, you'll just silently lose follows/followers.

I guess if enough servers allow Threads, *then* I'll potentially follow accounts there.

wimletzer ✅

@ricmac Don't know what you are talking about.😳

Bart Janssens 🇧🇪

@ricmac I'll treat them the same way as other people here.

Kevin Leecaster

I'll wait until I get some feedback before I give anyone using any of my attention.

Eric the Cerise


If my instance even federated with a Threads server, I'd have to move.

Luckily, my instance would never do that.

Jeff Cutsinger

@ricmac my instance blocks Threads, and if it didn't, I'd add a block to my account.

Diabetic Heihachi

Anyone remember usenet?
Anyone remember what AOL did to usenet to make it go away?
- 2023 edition.

Wim Pelgrim

@ricmac only if they are only on Threads and are very interesting.


@ricmac If there’s somebody interesting there to follow and they don’t push ads onto the fediverse, why not?


@ricmac Pretty sure my instance has already or will preemptively de-federate with Meta, so not really a concern I have.

Julien Avérous

@ricmac Yes why not, if there is interesting accounts. But not in a « heck yeah » mode 😅

Cees-Jan Kiewiet :verified:

@ricmac honestly don't know, if it becomes the cluster fuck of spam that IG is I'm defederating them really quickly. Regardless if someone I might want to follow is on it

Alexander K.

@ricmac I might, but only if it's a person who seems to actually have things to say that I find worthwhile to read. I want the idea of a larger Fediverse to happen, but I don't want it to be some inorganic corporate bile firehose either.

Mike Taylor 🦕

@ricmac This is simple. I'd like to see what my Mum's doing without having to wade into the cesspool that is Facebook.

Edwin Downward

@ricmac My answer is I don't know because it's too soon to know if there is anything about Threads worth following.

Edward Matley

@ricmac I think it really depends on the extent to which the organizations I want to follow move to Mastodon. I’ve never really loved Twitter because of the algorithms, and Mastodon is much better for that, but there are a lot of friends and companies that haven’t moved across yet. Reposting bots have helped, but then you can’t really participate in the conversation fully. Looks like Threads is wildly popular already, and might prevent some organizations moving, so I’ll follow them from here.

George Station

@ricmac I might try a "separation of church and state" approach, add an account on another instance and just follow Threads people there. Lesson learned from throwaway email accounts.

Mike Leech

@ricmac depends does threads then have access permission to my entire cell phone. If so, no

Simon Harper

@ricmac @Gargron I will, but I will not sign up on there nor leave Mastodon. This is was my final social media platform move. Only other I use is Instagram to see and share family and friends photos.

Rassilonian Legate

I would switch my main account to one that doesn't blocks them, and then create an alt to follow them with


@ricmac threads will take activitypub forward, but not necessarily in a good way. So I will follow people if the content they create is decent enough

Fabian N. T. 🦆

@ricmac It depends. I currently don’t know anyone who is active over there.

Peter Johnson

@ricmac @Gargron yes, if they don’t already have a Mastodon account or if they post more on Threads


@ricmac probably? I don’t think I’ll create a Threads / Facebook account so if it gets traction then I imagine it’s the only way I’d be able to follow folks there.

Jared Gaut :apple_inc:

@ricmac Absolutely. So many of the communities I followed on Twitter outside of Tech aren’t present or are too small here. Already found that some of those are better represented on Threads after a week. I absolutely don’t want to have to use a threads account but there are lots of people that I want to follow that will probably only be on Threads.



I lean towards "no".

But I think the issue is a bit more complex than just yes/no.

I do understand why there are people who are for federating with Threads or other commercial networks, as it can be a good way of showing non-tech people how something like the fediverse works, which might (in time) make it the norm.

On the other hand, it could easily backfire, as previous attempts of merging FOSS and commercial communication media (XMPP being the prime example) have demonstrated.


@ricmac Im gonna follow Pop Crave so fast. We don't have enough (any?) silly mainstream / pop culture news to lighten the day and gossip/comment on here.


As it does not matter what instance a user is hosted on: Maybe. It depends most likely on the content.

Mike Beasley

@ricmac wish i could but my instance admins decided to block it preemptively. so i guess i’ll just miss out on that entire segment of the social web.



Sure if they must be on Threads I can follow them from here if the interoperability ever materializes, some folks laid off at Twitter may have the skills to build it for Meta.


@ricmac Depends on the person. If someone provides interesting content, sure. But I'm not as likely to follow someone who is only on threads, unless it's some of the Instagram people I already follow with craft or cooking accounts. (I no longer post on Instagram, I just follow magazine like accounts and a handful of younger generation friends/family who weren't on Twitter ever. I don't think they're on FB, but I dumped FB over a decade+ ago, so can't say for sure.)


@ricmac I have friends (even some who are very into tech) who haven’t joined Mastodon because their eyes glaze over when I start talking about instances, federation, etc. but they’re on Threads because it’s easy. Soon we’ll be able to follow each other. I find it puzzling why so many Mastodon users are against this and want to preemptively defederate.


@ricmac Probably not. I'm afraid of what could happen with my personal data and , Meta CANNOT be trusted. I hope my instance block

@ricmac I don't have a mastodon account. :akko_shrug:

@ricmac for my friends, yes. For other accounts, it will depend on the content.

Nik 🍉

@ricmac I have friends on Threads, so yeah definitely


@ricmac it depends. Will they be able, though interactions with threads accounts, to get personal datas from regular mastodon users?

Scorpil 🇺🇦🇪🇺

@ricmac i don’t like Meta and I’m not gonna use app myself. Yet I don’t see why not follow people from there. So yes if I like the content I definitely would.

David Hopeward

@ricmac Not likely, but it’s not absolutely impossible.

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