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@fl0_id @cwebber I can unfortunately count on one hand the number of people I've had deep thoughtful conversations about the language, and those conversations all have to happen in private because of the scores and scores and scores of assholes who have to butt in on every little detail to evangelize. Don't tell try to minimize the problem, you wont endear me to your point of view by telling me everything I've seen with my own eyes somehow isn't real.

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@fl0_id @cwebber but you are probably correct on your second point, which is that all of those people are going to move on to the next Next Big Thing once rust loses its luster. Right now rust's community feels a lot like how things were with Haskell about 8 or so years ago. Lots of master debaters proselyting. It almost feels like they all jumped for rust at some point. Maybe that's what happened to go, too.


@fl0_id @cwebber incidentally, I'm a lot more curious to learn about Haskell now since it seems like it's possible to have a casual conversation about it in the open without a bunch of jerks in my mentions trying to disseminate talking points.


@fl0_id @cwebber digression aside, this a "a few bad apples spoils the bunch" type of situation, because everyone who puts up with it eventually internalizes it and starts doing it. You see friends get hooked by it and start posting self righteous opinions. I've been harassed by people I thought were friends just by thinking aloud about evolving my own C++ application design philosophy to be more resilient to memory safety bugs.


@fl0_id @cwebber I can't have a god damn conversation on this website about systems programming without someone taking it as an opportunity to dump talking points on me and or try neg me into picking it up.


@fl0_id @cwebber I mean this with 100% seriousness: the entire rust community is hot dog shit right now, because no one's collecting their jerks

Florian Idelberger

@aeva @cwebber sure, I’m not denying they are there, maybe I just got lucky to not meet too many. And I don’t expect to endear you to my pov which isn’t that certain either. Oh and I heard zig is the new hotness :)

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