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Johannes Ernst

From recent conversations, it appears the faction who wants to block #meta #threads from the get-go is much more outspoken, but also much smaller than the faction who does not (at least not from the get-go).

I don't have any numbers, and my sample size is too small to have any predictive value, but I thought to post about this, in case somebody else has corroborating anecdotes.

Jesse Baer 🔥

@J12t That was my initial assumption but polls I've seen (grain of salt, but still) have pretty consistently suggested otherwise.

Mastodon Migration

@J12t @stux took a poll and got over 8000 votes. About 1/3 want to federate with Threads and 2/3 want to block from the start:

Johannes Ernst

@mastodonmigration Polls with open participation tend to be strongly tilted towards people who feel strongly about the issue, so I would expect that result, but I don't think it tells us much.

I really think we should have some (funded) project that periodically takes the pulse of the fediverse in some statistically meaningful fashion.

Mastodon Migration

@J12t Good point. It may also shift as more information comes out. We are in the middle of a very sophisticated Threads PR charm offensive right now. There may be a shift as people start to be reminded who Mark Zuckerberg is and what Facebook has done.

Claudio C

@J12t @mastodonmigration Agree, also a pool is somehow influenced by who is posting the pool, the followers and the eco chamber that can be created around that person.

Emma Builds 🚀

@J12t Millions of Elvis (and Facebook) Fans can be wrong.

Johannes Ernst

@emmah the old problem of democracy vs experts :-)

Emma Builds 🚀

@J12t Facebook consorted with a spyware maker and you think it's fine to let them on here. NO.

Johannes Ernst

@emmah You are probably writing this on a computer many of whose parts were made in places that have done significantly worse and continue to do so. As I do. Same for the furniture we sit on, the clothes we wear and the list goes on. I am in favor, for computers and furniture and clothes, and yes, social networks, to carefully engage, and use that engagement to cause change. Sometimes it works better than other times, but we are at a unique point of opportunity right now imho.

Emma Builds 🚀

@J12t you keep thinking allowing all the stupid fucking people on facebook on here will help. NO IT WILL NOT.

Johannes Ernst

@emmah I’m sorry but I don’t think this is the way to change my mind, on this or any other issue. Disengaging.


@J12t Here's the roundup I did last week, they all show a majority of people who have opinions are in favor of blocking. And I just updated it with @admin's poll of their members where 88% don't want to federate.

Anecdoatally, most (although not all) of the women I see expressing an opinion and who aren't in or adjacent to big tech are in favor of blocking, ditto with non-binary people.

#Meta #threads


@J12t Here's the roundup I did last week, they all show a majority of people who have opinions are in favor of blocking. And I just updated it with @admin's poll of their members where 88% don't want to federate.

Anecdoatally, most (although not all) of the women I see expressing an opinion and who aren't in or adjacent to big tech are in favor of blocking, ditto with non-binary people.

Johannes Ernst

@jdp23 @admin @mastodonmigration this is an excellent roundup of polls, but it still has no significance as all the samples were self-selected. (I’m not a polling expert, but that’s my understanding) But ultimately it doesn’t matter anyway, because one of the nice things about the fediverse is people can choose their instances, including running their own, and instance operators can make their decisions without need the permission of anybody.


@J12t Agreed on the limitation of polls. All we know is that the people who have seen these polls (one of which was on the top of the explore page on most instances) and care enough to vote in them are mostly, although not exclusively, in favor of blocking.

And I also included anecdotal information that aligns with it.

So there's two different non-conclusive pieces of evidence that the conversations you've been having aren't representative, and an explanation of why.


Mastodon Migration

@jdp23 @J12t In any case it is certainly true that a large portion of Mastodon users want to at least try federation, and a large portion want to block Meta. We need to prepare both groups with recommended protocols and procedures, and we must also sustain communication, coordination and community amoung all factions.


Early signs are not promising. The pro-Meta group's talking points about the anti-Meta group include "religious" "extremist" and "toxic". But, it's certainly worth a try; in my threat model I had suggestions that that would help both groups, and Hachyderm found it useful. And I shared suggestions that would help both groups in @tchambers' thread. What gets prioritized will be a good indication of whether that camp values community.


Early signs are not promising. The pro-Meta group's talking points about the anti-Meta group include "religious" "extremist" and "toxic". But, it's certainly worth a try; in my threat model I had suggestions that that would help both groups, and Hachyderm found it useful. And I shared suggestions that would help both groups in @tchambers' thread. What gets prioritized will be a good indication of whether that camp values community.

Mastodon Migration

@jdp23 @tchambers @J12t Yeah well... We just need to keep reminding ourselves (even if it is hard to see at times) that there is more that unites us than divides us. It is easy to get swept up in our fears and interpret differences as bad intent. Bottom line, no one wants Meta to take over the world or the fediverse. Some think the protocols will keep the face eating leopard under control, others are more wary. Time will tell, and we will need each other once the face eating leopard arrives.

Johannes Ernst

@mastodonmigration @jdp23 @tchambers also: how long until the next guy shows up? Somebody in market share between tumblr and instagram. Would be very appealing to them to attach themselves to this open social network, no? So far I have not heard discussed very much what happens if there is a avalanche coming.

Mastodon Migration

@J12t @jdp23 @tchambers Good point. In fact, Medium and WordPress were pretty much welcomed (even though it is not clear how integrated their 'federation' actually is). But, as Jon points out, Meta is a very bad actor on the world stage, with a long history of evil, deceit, trickery and anti-democratic behavior. Not all corporations are the same.


@mastodonmigration @J12t @jdp23 @tchambers

I have my share of issues with #meta, however one of the issues surrounding the #Fediverse for a long time is that a lot of people think that it is just #mastodon. Assuming #threads actually goes through with #federation, it could bring more attention to the fact that there is more to the fediverse.

I actually think that it is likely that federation will be one of the most dangerous things to meta's business model possible.

It is for that reason that I see it very likely that meta will try to discourage looking into other federated platforms as much as possible. They will not make account migration a thing.

@mastodonmigration @J12t @jdp23 @tchambers

I have my share of issues with #meta, however one of the issues surrounding the #Fediverse for a long time is that a lot of people think that it is just #mastodon. Assuming #threads actually goes through with #federation, it could bring more attention to the fact that there is more to the fediverse.



Meta-provided Facebook chats led a woman to plead guilty to abortion-related charges / An investigating officer served a warrant to Meta, which provided unencrypted chat sessions showing the woman and her daughter discussing abortion pills.

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