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James Chip

@slothrop it was just the coldness of her thinking it was bad people enjoy a few moments a day that spun me. Usually these folks argue that you cant do the job properly remotely, or irlt is bad for team moral, or something else job related. But to come out against having time to enjoy breakfast, that is just cold.

Far more cold than the "I work in a super market and I dont get to work from home, so why should they" guy that called in, that is just petty jealousy.

1 comment
Black Chic with the Red Truck

@jameschip That displayed coldness and contempt is exactly why so many people have anxiety or guilt about any tiny bit of pleasure, peace, or happiness that they can extract from this cursed capitalist existence.
It’s why binge drinking every weekend is “normal” and “fun.”
Because so many people have to literally alter their consciousness to allow themselves to relax enough to enjoy themselves.
I am SO over this attitude.

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