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It's the same thing with the self-described "Tax Payers Alliance" campaigning against councils running (successful!) trials of a four day work week. It's not enough for these people that we work, it's important to them that we should also be miserable while doing so.

Nick Stefanski

@threedaymonk @jameschip David Graeber’s essay on “Bullshit Jobs” was very enlightening on this kind of thing

imdat celeste of Tau Ceti :v_nb: :v_tg: [NaG • NaB]

@threedaymonk It is very easy: if you work, you are busy. If you work and are miserable, you are busy and tired. This way you can't start thinking and realizing that the system is broken.

You know, people could get ideas ... let's not give them time to start thinking...



@imdat @threedaymonk @jameschip
Exactly this. People who think are dangerous.

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