@tom @chrismessina @HackerRadioShow @thegibson If I'm honest, I haven't even looked at Threads - but I've spent a LOT of time on Facebook. Assuming their moderation is functionally equivalent, Facebook openly, intentionally allows white supremacy and bigotry (though I'd stop short of saying they actively encourage it, ala birdsite.) Allowing those things openly should get them defederated immediately from all but, say, the people on the Oliphant extended blocklist, and Meta's close friends, the free speech absolutists a la Qoto. So it's not like people on Threads are gonna have a lot of places to go where they can still talk to their friends on Threads. Like @thegibson said, this is a netsplit, that was unavoidable the second they said they were coming here. We know that they do not and will never share our values. 🤷‍♂️ So we do the one thing left to us.