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The_Gibson :veilid:

@tom @chrismessina @HackerRadioShow

Also, this is not exactly my position on the matter.

We are blocking all fb owned domains, and monitoring new domains they register to block them.

The fediverse operators have decisions to make due to the nature of federation.

Ultimately this will have the likely outcome of a netsplit.

Also, we have local-only on… it doesn’t change anything with my core assertion that willingly giving FB your data is a bad idea.

Blocking abusive entities is how admins and moderation should act.

Tom :piss:

@thegibson @chrismessina @HackerRadioShow you’re welcome to do it, it’s your instance! I listen while on the road so I tried to limit my toot to the bare minimum facts, the only concern I had is the blocking servers that don’t block Meta. That’s gotta end up being a huge number!

I got my server blocked by when I mentioned that the Palmer Report misunderstood how instances work, and got banned from SDF themselves.

The_Gibson :veilid:

@tom @chrismessina @HackerRadioShow

You don’t share the same metrics of value that we have, and that is ok.

We do not seek growth or reach.

We seek a better community experience.

Facebook brings us nothing but pain, as shown time and time again.

They don’t get to re-establish trust.

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