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🌈 karbuziran 🇪🇺

Does the Android-App support the different Timelines (Home, Local and Federated) and Editing already?

That's basic functionality on the Website and way better than anything from the :birdsite: -site.

I missed that a lot on the iPhone-App and had to choose a 3rd-party one because of that a couple of years ago.


1 comment
sam henri gold

@karbuziran Great questions!

✅ Home + local TL (in the Search tab)
✅ Editing posts

We've avoided putting the federated timeline in the first-party apps since the goal for those apps is, first and foremost, to demystify Mastodon for new users.

From our user testing, it consistently freaks out newcomers to see a firehose of absolutely everything (a fraction of which might be interesting to them, let alone in their language).

We're still exploring discovery features, but federated TL isn't it.

@karbuziran Great questions!

✅ Home + local TL (in the Search tab)
✅ Editing posts

We've avoided putting the federated timeline in the first-party apps since the goal for those apps is, first and foremost, to demystify Mastodon for new users.

From our user testing, it consistently freaks out newcomers to see a firehose of absolutely everything (a fraction of which might be interesting to them, let alone in their language).

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