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sam henri gold

so now that the big Mastodon for Android update has been out for a little bit...any feedback? anything you'd like to see?

#mastodon #android #mastodev #androiddev

Rage Against Leaves

@samhenrigold hashtag following and a starter tip telling you to follow hashtags. I was more forgiving before they released an entire updatw

Rage Against Leaves

@samhenrigold at this point its hurting this space for people coming from other places. Starting here already takes a bit of effort to get used to.

Pablonius Monk

@samhenrigold It's beautiful! You should be really proud of it. I've tried a bunch of the Mastodon apps.

I keep going back to the Mastodon web app for its features. Haven't found an app that matches it. And it has had some nice polish added to it of late as well.

sam henri gold

@pabloniusmonk Does the web app have anything in particular you rely on that the mobile app is missing?

Pablonius Monk

@samhenrigold The Mastodon for Android app runs smooth AF, that's for sure.

I'm used to having the web app's right side ribbon which is fairly complete. Most of the time when I follow someone, I try to add them to one of my saved lists. I don't see where that's possible in any of the apps I've used. Nor have I seen the option to toggle on and off notifications (bell symbol 🔔) for a followed account. If I'm missing this somewhere, please let me know.

Thanks for inquiring! Great work too!

Mike Stevens :ohno:

@samhenrigold it's super pretty, but I do find it mystifying that it still can't follow hashtags. That (including tips pointing people to the function), and search, are the two most powerful ways for a new user to find their footing without running out of motivation and leaving. Odd that retention isn't a goal of the app!

sam henri gold

@mikestevens Hear you loud and clear! It's on the roadmap :)

ᗰᗩᖇǤᗴ against Putin #NAFO

@samhenrigold When you click on a toot in your messages to read replies to it, and then go back to messages, everything jumps to the beginning, so back to the first message. Then you always have to scroll down. Wish I could get back to where I was before.

sam henri gold

@aniho91 Hm, not able to replicate that. Any chance you can get a screen recording of that?

ᗰᗩᖇǤᗴ against Putin #NAFO


It's a problem with the original Mastodon programme. I should probably contact the @Gargron group directly, but thank you very much for your answer.😗

ᗰᗩᖇǤᗴ against Putin #NAFO

@samhenrigold Will there be the possibility for groups like on Twitter? I am eagerly waiting for that. Or would it be better to switch to Calckey, you can have groups there?

sam henri gold

@aniho91 I _believe_ a groups feature is being considered, though I'm not the best source for platform updates. I just handle design for the first-party mobile apps

ᗰᗩᖇǤᗴ against Putin #NAFO

I thought so, but I'm so interested in groups that I tell everyone that. In the hope that someone will hear me.🫣


@samhenrigold I love it! The only feature I wish it had is tap-and-hold to preview an image/thumbnail. Sync for Reddit had this feature before the Reddit implosion, and I wish more apps had it. It worked like Quick Look in Finder on macOS.


@samhenrigold I just love anything that uses Material 3. So I'm pretty happy right now!

Hugh Ingram

@samhenrigold a fix for this bug pls 😅. I'm using a Pixel 6a on Android 13, this happens only on my own profile page.

🌈 karbuziran 🇪🇺

Does the Android-App support the different Timelines (Home, Local and Federated) and Editing already?

That's basic functionality on the Website and way better than anything from the :birdsite: -site.

I missed that a lot on the iPhone-App and had to choose a 3rd-party one because of that a couple of years ago.


sam henri gold

@karbuziran Great questions!

✅ Home + local TL (in the Search tab)
✅ Editing posts

We've avoided putting the federated timeline in the first-party apps since the goal for those apps is, first and foremost, to demystify Mastodon for new users.

From our user testing, it consistently freaks out newcomers to see a firehose of absolutely everything (a fraction of which might be interesting to them, let alone in their language).

We're still exploring discovery features, but federated TL isn't it.

@karbuziran Great questions!

✅ Home + local TL (in the Search tab)
✅ Editing posts

We've avoided putting the federated timeline in the first-party apps since the goal for those apps is, first and foremost, to demystify Mastodon for new users.

From our user testing, it consistently freaks out newcomers to see a firehose of absolutely everything (a fraction of which might be interesting to them, let alone in their language).

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