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Alexander Cobleigh

On the philosophical side of things: with the release of Rad Reader I'm trying out a new model of sustainable software production.

This tool has had a lot of thought, time, and care put into it, I would like to continue doing so with this + other projects. Crafting tools is made possible by the food I eat and the shelter I habitate, and I can't pay for either of those with Github stars or toot likes.

Alexander Cobleigh

So the model I'm trying out with Rad Reader is this:

1. Release the software with a paid price
2. Common the software and its source code once a number of sales has been reached, converting it into free software in perpetuity from that moment on

I don't know how/if it will work out, but I *am* excited to explore new models of making ends meet while also making new software happen :)

Alexander Cobleigh

Final: If you want a lifetime license (with no accounts and no subscriptions) for a calm reader on Windows or (~6MB binary), 10+ themes with liveloading of your theme tweaks + ability to make your own, a reader that is capable of reading the feed bundling format .opml and with built-in automatic export of your feeds *back* to .opml to prevent lock-in and LOTS of other nifty bits

Well then, please consider buying Rad Reader! Thank you!

Bad Diode

@cblgh looks very nice! I’ll try it once I’m back home. Curious to see how this model works out for you, as someone that is also invested in open sourcing my projects but also wants to eat from time to time :P

Alexander Cobleigh

@bd thank you! 😊 and yes! i had that & you in mind when i was asking you questions about Stepper's model in venice! :>

we both gotta have bread/paella money amirite

Bill Hunt

@cblgh Hi there, this is super great! I purchased this even though I cannot run it on my Mac, because I think we need more folks using RSS and that only happens if there are better reader options! Keep up the awesome work!

Alexander Cobleigh

@krusynth wow thank you so much bill! i feel honoured and v v grateful🙇

Alexander Cobleigh

@krusynth and pardon the mac situation! i have no ability to test it out and lack the dev account + setup needed so i felt it was best to focus on my two main platforms

still—thank you so much!!

Bill Hunt

@cblgh No worries, I know that the Mac ecosystem is a Whole Thing. (I'm running an outdated version of the OS or I'd volunteer to test for you!)

Nora, tech aspect

@cblgh thank *you*!! I've been looking for something like this for *ages*

Alexander Cobleigh

@noracodes happy to hear i am in great company :> same here really, my old fraidycat install was perma-borked with no easy way of exporting feeds and it made me really sad

Arch :arch:

@cblgh This looks really cool. My one request would be some sort of support for some common RSS feed sync servers like FreshRSS, but I could honestly live without that because of the OPML importing/exporting.

Great work, will consider picking this up :3

Alexander Cobleigh

@arch thank you arch! i will look into the feed sync servers you mention :)

ルビー does it handle html and css well? I use those in my personal feed sometimes and would love another tool to recommend
Alexander Cobleigh

@rubymayvalentine well basically yes! it only shows the titles of posts and offloads the reading experience to where people will be reading / annotating (the browser of their choice)

so the ux is you click a title that you want to read and it opens a tab (or the browser) for the associated post

ルビー ah okay makes sense!
Devine Lu Linvega

@cblgh I'm super happy to see you try this model out. Everyone I know is building software for others to live off, and end up having no assets of their own. I can't open itch right now, but once we're back in victoria, I'll give it a try! Maybe it'll replace liferea :)

Alexander Cobleigh

@neauoire yo thank you so much! really means a lot to hear it from you 😊

if this even remotely pans out it'll be the start of making many more tools in this vein :) would be fun to hear your comparisons with liferea & feedback after trying it out!!


@cblgh this is a cool model, I’ve contemplated something similar where the product page shows the number of hours put into the work along with the lifetime revenue, and then some little stats like the effective wage per-hour and average price paid (if using a name-your-price scheme). it’s interesting to sort of set a wage target to unlock “free software mode”, and might also encourage people to chip in a bit more to get to that point.

congrats and good luck!

Alexander Cobleigh

@jakintosh thank you! glad to hear the model resonates with you, i know we're kind of in the same spot trying to figure these things out :)

something that reminds me of what you are talking about is done with manyverse on their financial transparency page, check it out


@cblgh oh wow this is a great example of that! my dream is for something like this to be on every product page online (and also in the window of every storefront 😅)

Alexander Cobleigh

@jakintosh ikr it's really going above and beyond, first class financial transparency from mr staltz @staltz :')

Jason Cosper

@cblgh I like this model a lot. And I hope it works! Especially since I'm interested in getting it working on macOS once it's open sourced. 😉

Alexander Cobleigh

@boogah thank so much, glad it resonates with you! would be fun if we reach the open source threshold and we can get some mac stuff crowdsourced :> you are not the only one wanting it!

Jason Cosper

@cblgh Honestly, you *really* had me onboard after you invoked Fraidycat. ♥️

Anyhow, I've got Mint running on an old MBP, so I’m good for a license.

Alexander Cobleigh

@bnys oooh arm? yes let me look into that over the coming weeks! would you be up for trying it out? i will see on my end how i can best emulate that to test it on a real OS :)

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