So the model I'm trying out with Rad Reader is this:
1. Release the software with a paid price
2. Common the software and its source code once a number of sales has been reached, converting it into free software in perpetuity from that moment on
I don't know how/if it will work out, but I *am* excited to explore new models of making ends meet while also making new software happen :)
Final: If you want a lifetime license (with no accounts and no subscriptions) for a calm #rss reader on Windows or #linux (~6MB binary), 10+ themes with liveloading of your theme tweaks + ability to make your own, a reader that is capable of reading the feed bundling format .opml and with built-in automatic export of your feeds *back* to .opml to prevent lock-in and LOTS of other nifty bits
Well then, please consider buying Rad Reader! Thank you!