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@cblgh this is a cool model, I’ve contemplated something similar where the product page shows the number of hours put into the work along with the lifetime revenue, and then some little stats like the effective wage per-hour and average price paid (if using a name-your-price scheme). it’s interesting to sort of set a wage target to unlock “free software mode”, and might also encourage people to chip in a bit more to get to that point.

congrats and good luck!

Alexander Cobleigh

@jakintosh thank you! glad to hear the model resonates with you, i know we're kind of in the same spot trying to figure these things out :)

something that reminds me of what you are talking about is done with manyverse on their financial transparency page, check it out


@cblgh oh wow this is a great example of that! my dream is for something like this to be on every product page online (and also in the window of every storefront 😅)

Alexander Cobleigh

@jakintosh ikr it's really going above and beyond, first class financial transparency from mr staltz @staltz :')

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