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Erik Ellestad

@StefanThinks I recently tried to pay my sister's electric bill because she was temporarily incapacitated, and they told me I needed Power of Attorney. They said because of "identity theft", but I think they would rather have the late fees than an on time bill.

Matt Palmer

@ellestad @jwz @StefanThinks I think you're right. Late fees are pure profit.


@ellestad @StefanThinks Power of Attorney is easy to get. Just ask your sister to write something. I think it can also be spoken.

Alexander The 1st

@ellestad @StefanThinks To be fair, my immediate thought was that this mechanism is designed to prevent people from cutting their utilities.

The same authentication mechanism for paying my bills often comes with the same power to essentially "rm -rf /" my access to the utility, effectively.

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