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Jonathan T

@dangoodin @chartier I'm intrigued. You don't have full text search and access to >90% of the content on Facebook yet it's far more significant and important than Twitter ever was or will be.

It seems to me that you're measuring an expectation to access to content from the perspective of what happened to be available via a single social media platform - Twitter - that wasn't and isn't available elsewhere.

If that's a problem here, it'll be a problem elsewhere too.

Dan Goodin replied to Jonathan

@JonnyT @chartier I have never used Facebook. Ever, so I can't speak to that. I can only say with conviction that until Mastodon search has parity with Twitter's Mastodon will remain an outpost.

Jonathan T replied to Dan

@dangoodin @chartier I'm not disagreeing with you on that latter point, I fully expect Mastodon to remain a minority platform.

But I'm failing to see how access to content here will be all that different on eg. Threads. It's not like Instagram have ever made it easy to get content or data out of that platform so I don't expect they'll do any different with Threads. Bluesky may make it trivial to extract but it's unclear at this point whether or not it'll go anywhere.

Dan Goodin replied to Jonathan

@JonnyT @chartier Yeah, I can't speak at all to Bluesky or Meta platforms. I just know that Mastodon search needs to be at parity with Twitter search. Oh, and quote posts, too.

Jonathan T replied to Dan

@dangoodin @chartier I'm of the opinion that Twitter is already dead. I give it 6 months at most. Once it's gone, there isn't going to be another platform with search parity with Twitter. That era of access to almost everything on a platform will die with it. Mastodon could be that but I don't think the ethos of the place and the people building it will permit it.

Calckey supersedes Mastodon in terms of search etc but I'm not sure it'll get big enough either.

Dan Goodin replied to Jonathan

@JonnyT @chartier Twitter may or may not be dead, but at the risk of repeating myself, Mastodon will never catch on without the capabilities I've mentioned.

Uraael replied to Dan

Other platforms in the Fediverse, e.g. Calckey, that I'm using right now, have both Quote posts and full search and we're suffering zero ill effects from either. Coming from Twitter myself that has really surprised me.

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