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Darius Kazemi

Random idea I haven't thought through at all yet: a twist on allowlist based federation, designed for small invite only servers.

Admins could tag an individual remote server X and apply a special rule like: we reject all messages from them to start, as though the whole server were blocked. As individuals on our server follow specific accounts on server X, those accounts can now receive and maybe even boost messages from us.

I dunno. Call it "threaderation"? :AngelDevil:

Woozle Hypertwin

@stefan @darius

Isn't that basically how instance-silencing works?

Darius Kazemi

@woozle @stefan it's a bit more restrictive than silencing

Steven Roose

@darius Basically a "blocked by default" policy. The instance is blocked by default unless one of our users want tk explicitly follow someone. Makes sense to me.

Casper Darling
@darius i have been considering what a pleroma mrf policy could do to minimize leakage without completely defederating. currently, I've come up with:
- making the followers/following collections unfetchable
- not federating replies to a thread that does not already a facebook user (excluding self-replies)
- not including the Announced object, so it always has to be deferenced and go through the originating instance's authorized fetch policy
@darius i have been considering what a pleroma mrf policy could do to minimize leakage without completely defederating. currently, I've come up with:
- making the followers/following collections unfetchable

@darius Really interesting idea. Can I link to that from the thread modeling post? I've already got a paragraph on looking for alternatives between allowlist and blocklist, so it'd fit right in

Shawn Medero

@darius a question i've been wondering but have been too lazy to look at the hometown source for is - do local only posts have the same privacy problems the regular post do? (via: )

Darius Kazemi

@soypunk local only posts do not have those problems.

Jeremy List

@darius I'm on another social network that by default does something like this (your allow list is your follow list plus the follow lists of everyone you're following). Works really well.


@darius uses this approach iirc

Erlend Sogge Heggen

@darius hope to see this trail of thought continue into real experimentation!

It feels like there would be a whole lot more common ground between the preemptive defederators and the wait-and-see crowd if dubious instances could be quarantined away whilst still having the option to poke holes for individually trusted users.

We also need more documentation on the connectivity options available to instance admins:

@darius hope to see this trail of thought continue into real experimentation!

It feels like there would be a whole lot more common ground between the preemptive defederators and the wait-and-see crowd if dubious instances could be quarantined away whilst still having the option to poke holes for individually trusted users.

Liaizon Wakest

@darius really love the idea of breaking out of this binary thinking, and there are some great replies that make me have some hope that this may be the third path that has the right balance. some sort of Threads "condom" that protects community interests in the fediverse but still allows *some* flow of intentional information between the servers

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