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Tim Chambers

Hey #SocialWG and #FEP folks:

One idea that #Threads does now we should learn from and directly steal: the ability to say in your settings that you can set @mentions to be from. You can choose to allow them from: Everyone, Profiles you follow, or No one.

That's a great feature. How feasible would that be inside #ActivtyPub?

cc: @smallcircles @liaizon @helge


@tchambers @smallcircles @liaizon @helge Every implementation would have to respect and handle that for it to be really useful

Julio J. 🀲

@dansup @tchambers @smallcircles @liaizon @helge

FTR, in case you guys have missed it, there's an open issue with some technical discussion about this (or similar) on Mastodon

Григорий Клюшников

This doesn't need to be inside ActivityPub. It's super easy to implement, your server would just ignore the mentions that don't match your preference.

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