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Darius Kazemi

Lol federation aside the site is showing me mostly content from people I don't follow so uh don't expect me on there very much

Darius Kazemi

@AfterClimate it will federate within about 3 weeks according to their public claims

Ted :pmgpurple:

@darius @AfterClimate Actually one funny side effect of that is it’ll be easier to see posts from friends on Threads if you follow them from a different application.

Daniel Joseph

@darius @AfterClimate this is wild?! and also... smart on their part. I guess we will be able to follow threads users on here, correct?

Ben Curran :azure:

@darius yeah that’s a big downside. All the worst parts of Twitter and Instagram. Federation might be good so I can eventually follow my friends who do stay there from my nice comfy client with no garbage content?

πŸ¦„ matt munley 🚲

@darius I set my account on there up as private and the main feed is just folks I follow. Seems like the weird choice of a firehose feed is only if your account is public.


@darius I genuinely don't get why people put up with this from almost all the mainstream social media platforms. Like, they literally ask us what content we want to see and then just shovel a load of other shit in alongside it. I get people not caring about the shitty politics of the big corps, but I'm surprised this basic UX failure doesn't have more of an impact.

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