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D.B. Galeli đź”±

@ocdtrekkie @feditips @kev @Gargron

What decidedly doesn’t help is throwing oil onto the fire by acting like everyone with a concern is some weird tinfoil conspiracy crackpot in a bunker instead of actually engaging in good faith and trying to address their concerns

What also doesn’t help is making a half hearted attempt at brushing off concerns by saying “yeah XMPP might have suffered by an EEE strategy, but who cares only a bunch of nerds cared about that, lol”

D.B. Galeli đź”±

@ocdtrekkie @feditips @kev @Gargron

And what certainly doesn’t help is rushing to unilaterally kill a discussion that questions the practices of accepting money from questionable sources

Maybe you do not care about these concerns, and maybe it generally angers you that people voice these concerns because you genuinely see them as unfounded FUD in an attempt to tear the community apart

D.B. Galeli đź”±

@ocdtrekkie @feditips @kev @Gargron

But even so, it’s in your best interest to take these concerns seriously and engage with them on a good faith basis, because acting like it’s all just a crackpot conspiracy theory isn’t going to convince anyone and will only generate more “conspiracy theorists”

D.B. Galeli đź”±

@ocdtrekkie @feditips @kev @Gargron

I personally had the attitude of “we’ll see what happens”, until I too starting to have questions after reading the blog post that feels rather tone deaf, which was exacerbated by the hastily closed GitHub discussion

Now I too am wondering if there’s a there there, especially considering how easy it is to nip these questions in the bud and how easy it is to acknowledge concerns

D.B. Galeli đź”±

@ocdtrekkie @feditips @kev @Gargron

If that’s objectionable to you and makes me a conspiracy nut job, then by all means sign me up as the king of tinfoil head wearing conspiracy nut jobs

I’ll wear it like a badge of honor, just like I wear the badges of socialist and communist with honor, given to me by people here in the US just because I deign to suggest that everyone should be able to live a dignified life

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