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D.B. Galeli đź”±

@ocdtrekkie @feditips @kev @Gargron

I personally had the attitude of “we’ll see what happens”, until I too starting to have questions after reading the blog post that feels rather tone deaf, which was exacerbated by the hastily closed GitHub discussion

Now I too am wondering if there’s a there there, especially considering how easy it is to nip these questions in the bud and how easy it is to acknowledge concerns

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D.B. Galeli đź”±

@ocdtrekkie @feditips @kev @Gargron

If that’s objectionable to you and makes me a conspiracy nut job, then by all means sign me up as the king of tinfoil head wearing conspiracy nut jobs

I’ll wear it like a badge of honor, just like I wear the badges of socialist and communist with honor, given to me by people here in the US just because I deign to suggest that everyone should be able to live a dignified life

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