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The future is federated

This section aged well 😎 πŸš€

The future is federated
Imagine being able to follow Twitter accounts from your Instagram account
We use the decentralized ActivityPub protocol so you can comment, follow, and interact with remote Pixelfed, Mastodon and Akkoma posts and profiles from your Pixelfed account as if you were both on the same website
she hacked you

@dansup That is how the internet was supposed to work.

If you are not old enough to know Google, Facebook, etc all used federated XMPP. So you could chat with your aunt who only uses facebook from steam.

But they rolled back technology for financial benefit. Becoming a walled garden means you have to create an account at facebook to talk to your aunt.

Capitalism doesn't actually make technology develop faster.

Hell the closest wages between men and woman ever got in history was under Mao


You gave someone an ideaπŸ’‘


@dansup @pixelfed Great but no app. TestFlight is broken.


Unraveling the Mysteries of the Lost Colony of Roanoke

The Lost Colony of Roanoke is an enigmatic tale that has intrigued historians, archaeologists, and enthusiasts for centuries. Situated on the coast of what is now North Carolina, this ill-fated settlement has captured the imagination of countless

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