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sam henri gold

could you imagine explaining this to anyone


The fourth symbol also means "environment loud enough that your shot won't be heard."

(At least in Sniper Elite :blobcatgiggle:​)

maryjane :fediverso:

@samhenrigold that image is missing the logo for hotspot :)

But then again, it is probably missing a dozen or more logos ;)


@samhenrigold I can't even imagine it being explained TO me. Like Jesus h Christ how did we let this happen

Matt Mascarenhas

@samhenrigold Round my way we also use the "find something" one for ring-pull tin cans…


@samhenrigold the pain at realising I somehow know most of these
And then thinking HOWWWW

indrora, boot of journalism

@yellowsink @samhenrigold because with all symbologies, we know them through context.

Dan Shick

@samhenrigold UI designers imagine it every waking moment. they also scream every waking moment


@samhenrigold At least three of these symbols look like something you'd see on the letterhead of a semi-respectable cult.


@samhenrigold I'd probably get the wifi one.. have seen news feed, but it's not anything I use.. most have never even

Yuri Litvinenko

@samhenrigold And if we flip the "news feed," we'll get back to "Wi-Fi."

Klaus Stein

Where is earth quake? Where is target? Why isn't one of these radiation?

Jan D

@samhenrigold and now the same with arrows, the symbol for "stuff happens"

Jan D

@samhenrigold that's one of them. Can also mean "upload", "execute", "move thing", "move background"...


@samhenrigold Ooh, I like the pyramid broadcasting into space symbol, it's very Stargate-y.

The "share media w/someone" icon looks more like a sylised moon orbiting a planet than a person.


@samhenrigold Don't forget the logo of @fernunihagen (a german university)

Ben Keith

Also make sure to differentiate between "news feed (human-readable)" and "news feed (bare RSS XML, no it's not broken)"

Ben Keith

Two different directional wiggles for "real-time bus tracking" from


@samhenrigold @Auxonic or "the arrows in a circle - no, the OTHER arrows in a circle"


@samhenrigold I thought they ALL stood for NFC
no fuckin' clue


@samhenrigold you literally just explained it in the picture

Scribe I work for an ISP and I speak with at least three people a day who think the cell signal strength indicator on their phone is the wifi signal strength indicator

Ian Douglas Scott

@samhenrigold "Oh, that symbol means you have 5G, but it's the slower kind, not mmwave. And it's roaming. On a missile."

Григорий Клюшников

The fifth one is wifi but sideways. It's an important distinction

Austin Andrews

@samhenrigold Keep this going with motion sensor icons because it's like is the object vibrating, are they being hit with radio waves, does the object have cellular, etc. 🙃


@samhenrigold pretty confusing. I'm afraid it will only get worse with time - more of them... 😐

Chèvre Mousse

@samhenrigold The second panel can also read as "audio" and if the curvy lines are on top of the phone it definitely means some sort of signal transmission.

Jon-Pål Sætre

@samhenrigold It's like that chart with the laundromat symbols

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