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Michael Lucas :flan_set_fire:

Dear creators:

please, please, PLEASE set up your own web sites and distribute your work from there.

If you post your work only on Twitter and/or Reddit, it's gonna disappear. Soon.

Michael Lucas :flan_set_fire:

@MisophonicSpree Twitter is imploding. Reddit is doing... something.

Your own web site is in your control, and will remain online as long as you keep it there.

The Misophonic Spree

@mwl Right. Don't /only/ have them on some service. But also I would worry about copyright. Also: what is going on at Reddit? I haven't heard...

Michael Lucas :flan_set_fire:

@MisophonicSpree Reddit is claiming control of communities, blocking moderators, and changing rules so they can become profitable. And wrecking what makes reddit popular in the process.


@MisophonicSpree @mwl No need to be sorry. The mess of Reddit pushed literal millions towards Kbin and Lemmy in the past few weeks. Fediverse grows on mistakes of monopolistic, proprietary social media.

Adam ♿

@mwl with search engines rapidly becoming useless we'll need to bring directories and webrings back too

pamela :flan_butterfly:

@mwl it'll also disappear when you can't pay to keep a webpage live or run out of data, but then it's gone entirely instead of a login away. Diversify the heck out of stuff and slap a linktree on it.

pamela :flan_butterfly:

@kusuriya @mwl become immortal by rubbing your face over everything in case 90% of data centers simultaneously spontaneously combust. Be the godking of the 10% which remain

Random Geek

@kusuriya @pamela @mwl your face! your face!

ah well I guess more surface area will save time. As you were.

Lord Kusuriya ​:tower:​

@randomgeek @pamela @mwl if I get my kid out he will double up, were at the stage where I need to have the talk about not rubbing your penis on things unless someone asked you...

DC Rat

@mwl @kusuriya @pamela The main reason I have a data center job is so I can lick all the data. You wouldn’t believe what actually belongs to me.

Michael Lucas :flan_set_fire:


the only person a creator can trust is themself, and we all know how flaky that dude is. :flan_worried:


@pamela @mwl as long as you have your own copy it’s only offline, not gone forever

Stephen Michael Kellat

@mwl Got my own domain(s) and cheap hosting. Now I need to build my own data center and ASN out here in rural America…

Ryan Hamel Pretty easy to get IP space and an ASN from RIPE, to use with a VPS from Vultr unless you want to colocate a server. The only things are cost, time, BGP, etc.


@alpacaherder who do you use for hosting? Right now my site is through github pages which… i mean, it works, but I’m not the biggest fan of github/microsoft. if you have a budget recommendation I’m all ears :)

Archibald Grey

@mwl Have a look at Neocities. Free hosting for simple static/html websites and a pretty fun community of website builders. Lots of fun, silly pages made by real humans.

Nothing so fancy as Wordpress or Wix, but a great gateway/platform for learning basic web skills.

Michael Lucas :flan_set_fire:


A good place to start, but eventually they'll go bad. All outside services do. Keep local copies so you can rebuild.

Mike Myers

@mwl yup, the recent shit show over at Reddit reinforced this view for me. It’s definitely true. I’m in the process of standing my site back up now ( - nothing there yet). These platforms have totally lost the plot recently.

@mwl You will still ended up losing your works if you did not pay your server monthly.
Lawrence London
Or build an Intranet on your own computer (desktop). Put your creations there. Learn how to code html. And of course back up everything, text, data, graphics. Redundant backups on external hard drives.


@mwl I do where I can :) unfortunately, copyright.


@mwl @rysiek I've been re-ramping up my RSS usage with @NetNewsWire , so there is all the encouragement you guys need eh?


@mwl So true. I realised this and set up my own website/blog. 👉 #blog #wordpress


@mwl Make sure to save your stuff, use whatever mechanisms are available to get a takeout of your data if you can.

You never know for sure when it’ll go, so don’t take any chances with it


@mwl I'm actually considering setting up Azure media services for video streaming, setting up blob storage for edited videos, and building my own web app for viewing and subscribing to my own content. All of this shit lately has really lit a fire under me to own all my content and never invest my time and personal data in unfederated third party corporate apps.


@mwl All this stuff falling apart does suck but I'm surprisingly excited about taking back my data. It's one of those things I've always had in the back of my mind but never thought I'd find the motivation to actually pull the trigger. So I guess I can thank Elon for finally giving me that motivation lol

John Howes


Alternatively, post your work everywhere 🙂.


@mwl it's not like setting up your own website and get the following is easy, though. Twitter provided the free distribution to a large crowd of people, along with easy discovery.


@farcaller @mwl you don't really need to stop using Twitter. Just have a backup plan!

Michael Lucas :flan_set_fire:


It's not. But it's a necessary skill these days, just like tracking expenses for taxes.

Michael Lucas :flan_set_fire:

@farcaller Depends on where you are, and how many expenses you have.

I have to hire an accountant for mine.


@mwl sorry, was a bit of a failed sarcasm my side (I know that e.g. US taxation is vastly more complicated than what you might find in some EU countries).

Still, I don’t think that maintaining your own portfolio website is a reasonable requirement for a general artist. It’s really a very techy skill and almost a job in its own.

Michael Lucas :flan_set_fire:

Perhaps not. But you'll need local copies and must be prepared to rebuild your online presence at any time, when the service you use goes bad.


@mwl yes, so many times yes on that. Managing backups _is_ a crucial skill for a digital artist.


Do you mean something like Carrd or GitHub Pages or an independent website on its own domain and all?

Gianluca Fiore

it's Web 1.0 again (and I am all for it)!

Sublime Abiding

@mwl lately I've been using Google sites to make free easy websites. i'm sure they won't cancel it. 😅🫣😬

HRH ginsterbusch

@mwl Thats what I've kept telling them for .. years ... decades .. and then they go crying when what we "dumb hacks" have always said is gonna happen ACTUALLY HAPPENS.

And then they go on to the next "network" or big thing and still dont learn.

People. *sighs*


@mwl I wish I didn't struggle with the coding. 💔



shiiiiit.. back in 2017 I lost whole gallery of art o' mine on IG.. ended up searching google found russian language carbon copy of my works.. was WEIRD to say the least.. obvious

Clockwork ☃️✒️


Been learning HTML basics for the last month or so just for this purpose!

Matthew Green

@mwl the problem is we need some way to publicise the site itself


@mwl As always, publish within your control and syndicate everywhere, if this lies within your technical and financial ability. Otherwise, try to use open platforms and retain your files somewhere else.


SO important! Indie creators of every kind need to understand that their content - not the platform it's on - is their biggest asset worth protecting.

I'll add:

1. Learn a bit about copyright & make sure you have a 'default' license for your work
2. Read & understand the EULA of any platform you post your content on - many of them wind up taking over rights for anything you post!
3. BACKUP YOUR DATA! At least two places, and at least one should be a physical drive that lives with you.


@mwl And if you're a webdev noob like me, or don't want to pay for hosting, you can use markdown+Hugo to create the website/blog and host it on or something 😁

Konomi Kitten

@mwl it makes me sad thinking about how much internet culture is going to be lost over the next few years from all the centralised platforms.

nik0 :blobcatcoffee:

@mwl Off topic but please put your fixes or notation anywhere else like github or a webpage. Just somewhere else other than reddit (or archive your thread)

Red Knight

@mwl what client (is that the right word?) do you suggest? I've seen neocities suggested a few times but what do you think?

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