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@mwl it's not like setting up your own website and get the following is easy, though. Twitter provided the free distribution to a large crowd of people, along with easy discovery.


@farcaller @mwl you don't really need to stop using Twitter. Just have a backup plan!

Michael Lucas :flan_set_fire:


It's not. But it's a necessary skill these days, just like tracking expenses for taxes.

Michael Lucas :flan_set_fire:

@farcaller Depends on where you are, and how many expenses you have.

I have to hire an accountant for mine.


@mwl sorry, was a bit of a failed sarcasm my side (I know that e.g. US taxation is vastly more complicated than what you might find in some EU countries).

Still, I don’t think that maintaining your own portfolio website is a reasonable requirement for a general artist. It’s really a very techy skill and almost a job in its own.

Michael Lucas :flan_set_fire:

Perhaps not. But you'll need local copies and must be prepared to rebuild your online presence at any time, when the service you use goes bad.


@mwl yes, so many times yes on that. Managing backups _is_ a crucial skill for a digital artist.

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