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Nerd-snipe; what were some well-known or impactful Linux malwares?

Rudi (ryjelsum)

@ShadowJonathan mirai (used to build botnets from insecure linux devices, generally shitty iot devices)

Rudi (ryjelsum)

@ShadowJonathan i thought the source was out there somewhere but i didnt know it was on fucking github lol

Natty :butterflyN: Letting me SSH into the machine (if that counts) ​:blobCatGooglyEyesNotLikeThis:​

Tired Bunny :bunhdcomfysleep:
@ShadowJonathan Recent Minecraft modpacks malware infection did work on Linux because it was Java malware injected in Java code

Also, I think some Python malware from cases where there were hijacked repositories etc. was targeting linux users/servers by trying to get ssh keys and send them to attacker
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