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David Revoy

My contribution to #howtodragonyourtrain
A French old "IntercitΓ©". (painted in the train πŸš‚πŸ˜)

#krita #MastoArt

maxmoon 🌱

@davidrevoy It's soooo beautiful!

The train company should give you money for advertising it better than they ever did πŸ˜€


@davidrevoy Thank you, we had no idea this was a thing. Now there is another hashtag rabbit hole to follow.

eev kuchenka

@davidrevoy the glowing eyes and steel mustache are an excellent touch.


@davidrevoy looks great and must have been interesting to ride and draw it inside one of the very beasts that helped inspire it.

Can't help but notice #Krita running on top of #Fedora on a #YogaTablet. There's a 380 in my cart already, so it's good to see one in action for graphics use.

Adam John

@davidrevoy love how the ... "hairpiece" mimics even mocks the very profile of this train-dragon

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