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Wander ΘΔ :verified_paw:

The needs to learn some serious conflict resolution...

If we ever aspire to become a serious alternative to corporate platforms we can't continue with this behavior. Let me explain.

Two days ago someone created a "The_Donald" community of a well-known instance. Immediately there were cries for defederation, blocking, and suspicion about the admin letting racists run rampant on his instance.

Ultimately when the admin logged in they removed that community. But before they even had time to realize what was happening they were already being accused of stuff and if any instance heeded the call to block, it would have caused damage to the users who would have their subscriptions / follows severed.

Some users who've just arrived from Reddit and bring a fresh perspective are already wary of the shit show this can become.

That instance resisted massive blocks because it was large enough. But what if it was smaller? >>

Wander ΘΔ :verified_paw:

Had it been a smaller instance it could have been fediblocked to oblivion. Users would have lost contact to their friends and communities and many would have come to the conclusion that it's not worth it being on smaller instances and flock to massive ones or even back to corporate platforms where that problem doesn't exist.

A few days ago I faced a similar problem myself. We were blocked by an instance 200 times larger than outselves because I had the gall to suggest talking to a user about a report to get their version of events instead of killing them on sight. My instance was blocked even before the conversation was over, just like that.

And to top it all off a few days later a report that one of our users sent out (a different user, mind you) and for a completely different reason was taken as proof that I'm letting my users abuse the report system and support abusive behavior!? Everything was done and blocked before I had even logged in.

Only one admin of the three instances

Had it been a smaller instance it could have been fediblocked to oblivion. Users would have lost contact to their friends and communities and many would have come to the conclusion that it's not worth it being on smaller instances and flock to massive ones or even back to corporate platforms where that problem doesn't exist.

Wander ΘΔ :verified_paw:

involved reached out to ask and get more information.

It's increasingly difficult for me to not side with my users if the alternative is a moderation style that's aggressive and ruthless.

But this isn't about me. When these new Reddit refugees express their concerns about something that seems to have been normalized on or the wider , I realize that I'm not alone.

Jabber / did not have this problem. Neither does email, mainly because it's all private messages, but we better do something to be more responsible with our users to which we owe a sensible moderation instead of doing things on a whim with disregard of the people it affects.

/ needs to implement silences and Fediblock's popularity needs to be converted into Fedimute.

Fediblocking IMHO is almost only warranted if a remote instance is spammy, harassing or disruptive. Just like blocking spam servers.

Muting should be implemented in such a way that it allows the instance owner to

involved reached out to ask and get more information.

It's increasingly difficult for me to not side with my users if the alternative is a moderation style that's aggressive and ruthless.

But this isn't about me. When these new Reddit refugees express their concerns about something that seems to have been normalized on or the wider , I realize that I'm not alone.


@Wander on pixelfed I can CW instances and will probably use this for p92 to make a "WARNING: from a facebook instance", but my users can still access it. I can also mute instances, which makes them only available for users who explicitly follow it, yet I can still block the instance later if I see actual illegal content being shared in the backoffice. all of that is imo a much better system than the strict instance block from mastodon.


@NafiTheBear @Wander Mastodon lets a server admin set another server to "Limited" which sounds maybe a bit like the mute instance feature you describe. Agreed that people should get in the habit of using these sorts of settings more, especially if something just happened and you are still figuring out what is going on and whether to upgrade to a more aggressive kind of block. (And yes, software which doesn't have this level of control should add it).

Wander ΘΔ :verified_paw:

curate public timelines and shield users from interactions that could be unwanted but which can be allowed if the users decided to accept a follow or follows back.

And most importantly, any big moderation decisions need be discussed with time, a cool head and a user-oriented attitude first.

Otherwise what's the point of us smaller instances existing if we're going to be rolled over by larger ones on a whim?

Valheru Rides

@Wander Especially if you end up with a bunch of humourless twats dropping complaints randomly at any excuse. It reminds me of the time I was accused of being fat phobic after posting a meme about a naked motorcyclist playing a piano and making no reference to their weight. Added context that I am both fat, and a motorcyclist.

Wander ΘΔ :verified_paw:

@Valheru What I don't understand is why they didn't simply remove that post from their instance? They did acknowledge that there was no malicious intent and could have easily removed the post themselves for their users.

Valheru Rides

@Wander Or told the user to grow up, it's kinda odd as they acknowledge there's no intent, mainly because it's nothing to do with being fat. Nudity, motorcycles and piano playing yes.....lack of PPE?

Off track but my point was similar to yours in that an admin shouldn't be catering to a lone complaint which has implications on a whole server. By default there is always going to be someone not 100% with something.

Terry Hendrix II 🏹

That’s just a user quality issue, which makes sense as Redditors are well-known to lack critical thinking and choose mob mentality and groupthink every time. The fix is to beat that mentality out of new users.

⠠⠵ avuko

@Wander I keep coming back to “boundaries vs rules”. And how instance-blocks sometimes (accidentally) become rules some enforce on either the people on that instance, or as a punishment-if-you-don’t-follow-my-rules in some other fediblock cases.

“If you interact with bad person/instance, even tangentially, I’ll block you and everyone on your instance” is setting a boundary, however harsh. And more power to you.

“If you don’t block/speak out against bad person/instance, I’ll block you and everyone on your instance” is to me enforcing your rules on others.

“If I as an admin don’t like whatever, I’ll block all of my peeps to federate with whatever”, is perfectly fine as long as admins’ and people’s boundaries sufficiently overlap.

The communication of the (new) boundaries and giving people time to decide whether they agree or want to move outside them, is a very tricky, and very human process.

Anyway, just my two cents.

@Wander I keep coming back to “boundaries vs rules”. And how instance-blocks sometimes (accidentally) become rules some enforce on either the people on that instance, or as a punishment-if-you-don’t-follow-my-rules in some other fediblock cases.

“If you interact with bad person/instance, even tangentially, I’ll block you and everyone on your instance” is setting a boundary, however harsh. And more power to you.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@Wander and that's why we should not allow or any of the and -Collaborators into the :fediverse: ...

The plurality and diversity of :activitypub: - based instances is key to it's survival.

Here people of all kinds can coexist peacefully in a space that allows each and everyone self-expression and control over what they want to see, independent from commercial interests.

@Wander i agree, there are not many instances out there which i would recommend... I recently did write a similiar post. Fedi has also got a transparency problem, which doesnt make things easier
Karen Simpson


Reddit's quite more tolerant and flexible, people just downvote what they don't like (or moderators delete stuff) instead of throwing tantrums and expecting everyone and their dog to side with them regardless.

Muting and blocking should be the norm but instead, reporting and fediblock is.

The irony is that these same very vocal and toxic individuals that clamor for tolerance are the ones who want you to burn at the stake at the slightest sign of anything they might deem inappropriate.
And being the fediverse, some administer instances too.

Maybe it's generational, I see a lot of immaturity, but I have no data to back that up.


Reddit's quite more tolerant and flexible, people just downvote what they don't like (or moderators delete stuff) instead of throwing tantrums and expecting everyone and their dog to side with them regardless.

Muting and blocking should be the norm but instead, reporting and fediblock is.

The irony is that these same very vocal and toxic individuals that clamor for tolerance are the ones who want you to burn at the stake at the slightest sign of anything they might deem inappropriate.

Sunshine Heart

@Wander I hate to say it but I think this has played out in how Tyr was effectively harassed into giving up on

AnCuRuadh (0 of 1)


*happens to trans women*


*happens to cishets*

"Omg this is the worst thing evar!!1!" *pikachuface.jpg*

I'll be over here getting the popcorn ready... *sips IRN BRU* :blobfoxcofe_w:

Wander ΘΔ :verified_paw:

@AnCuRuadh I'm not sure what you are referring to or if you are implying that I don't support trans rights?

AnCuRuadh (0 of 1)


Me: *points out systemic transmisogyny to a cishet*

The cishet: "Is about me?"



If we ever aspire to become a serious alternative to corporate platforms we can’t continue with this behavior

So true. Reminds me of the issue where there was a debate on calling a ‘Post’ a ‘Toot’. Someone mentioned that people are talking about the Fediverse in the European Parliament. If we continue this way, I see the Fediverse as where only ‘hardcore’ folks will stick to it in the name of ‘freedom from corporate control’. Note that the majority of average users don’t not care about ‘corporate control’ as much as you or I do.


are already wary of the shit show this can become.

I’m not surprised.


If we ever aspire to become a serious alternative to corporate platforms we can’t continue with this behavior

So true. Reminds me of the issue where there was a debate on calling a ‘Post’ a ‘Toot’. Someone mentioned that people are talking about the Fediverse in the European Parliament. If we continue this way, I see the Fediverse as where only ‘hardcore’ folks will stick to it in the name of ‘freedom from corporate control’. Note that the majority of average users don’t not care about ‘corporate...

Other instances lying on their reason of defederating. Wow color me shocked.

You won't change their minds, especially on Mastodon instances. They are TWITter "refugees" who were mad that their moderation standards were not met.

To make matters worse is that they don't know how fedi works.

Multiple times my own instance was listed as "Federates with bigots"
Hey jackass sorry I don't (and will never) use the same block list as you.

Whatever I mostly post on my instance is viewable for anyone to see.
Other instances lying on their reason of defederating. Wow color me shocked.

You won't change their minds, especially on Mastodon instances. They are TWITter "refugees" who were mad that their moderation standards were not met.
Craig Brozefsky 🇵🇸

@Wander As fediverse scales, some of the social norms for blocking are hitting their limits, and the presumption that those calling for blocking, using the fediblock tag or otherwise, are "good faith actors" no longer holds.

Craig Brozefsky 🇵🇸

@Wander There will always be differences in opinion on what is acceptable behavior, and what blocks at the instance level one may make. That should be preserved. Even if we had a full "legal system" around blocking, and eliminated the movement narcissists, bullies, and reactionaries, the problem you call out would still exists.

That is, that there is a fundamental assumption of user control over the network they build on top of the network of instances -- carried over from non-federated social media. There is ad-hoc visibility into the disruptions to that "user network" that occur when the "instance network" is disconnected.

@Wander There will always be differences in opinion on what is acceptable behavior, and what blocks at the instance level one may make. That should be preserved. Even if we had a full "legal system" around blocking, and eliminated the movement narcissists, bullies, and reactionaries, the problem you call out would still exists.

Craig Brozefsky 🇵🇸

@Wander So 100% need better conflict resolution and mechanisms for stabilizing the "instance network" -- but also need more complete and comprehensible feedback to users on the changes in their "user network" that percolate up from the instance layer.


Yep. Even there is a moderation graph outlining moderation steps and it starts with (AFAIR) with cooling tensions and conflict resolution, and _ends_ with banning.

I just can't remember where it was posted.


Reddit community style and Kbin+Lemmy also, are too much competitive, up down arrows and like dislikes, are toxic

@Wander This is my biggest problem with the Fediverse. It's a nice concept, but it's all too easy to run people off for no reason and for abusive admins to nuke anything they feel like.

Unfortunately email does have similar problems, but it's largely behind the scenes. For example, Google is the largest email provider by a large margin. If Google decides it doesn't like your domain, your mail doesn't get delivered. Plenty of email providers and ISPs also block certain IP ranges merely for being residential IPs. Good luck hosting your own mail server.

@Wander This is my biggest problem with the Fediverse. It's a nice concept, but it's all too easy to run people off for no reason and for abusive admins to nuke anything they feel like.

Unfortunately email does have similar problems, but it's largely behind the scenes. For example, Google is the largest email provider by a large margin. If Google decides it doesn't like your domain, your mail doesn't get delivered. Plenty of email providers and ISPs also block certain IP ranges merely for being residential...


@Wander Although I do agree with your perspective (that poor admin...) this could be solved technically. Lemmy would be so much nicer to organize if you could federate, merge and de-federate on the granularity of individual communities.

@Wander The fediverse has had the issue of a "block everyone first and ask questions later" culture since Gargron went around touting it to journalists as "Twitter without Nazis." It attracted the kind of people that want the internet, if not the world at large to be a safe space devoid of people that disagree with them. That line of thinking is also really rampant among Reddit moderators, and Lemmy instances tend to give you the worst of both worlds.

@Wander To me that's really more a demonstration of the problem with being implemented in an instance-centric and actor-centric manner, instead of message-centric.

If the base unit were signed messages by arbitrary actors, they could be gossiped as they were on / with none of the harm of defederation.

One could then easily subscribe to a few different instances to make sure to get all the message & articles they want.


@Wander Such a design would also provide for free by quite simply not tying you to an instance in the first place.

gossiping is also perfectly viable and could be used alongside the nexus/repeater/propagation nodes.

It would unfortunately be very awkward to backport onto ActivityPub as it currently is.

The actor@uri assumption runs deep in the spec and DIDs ( are a troublesome patch on that.


@Wander And if you /want/ the defederation? Then simply subscribe to a set of instances that use the moderation style you like and disable p2p gossip.

Oric 🇦🇹 🏳️‍🌈 :pawified: 🔞

@Wander Knee jerk reactions are an issue yeah.

Usually when reports come in I'll do a initial judgement (i.e. hide post/mark it sensitive) and reach out to come to a solution.

Thankfully, more often than not I've had the pleasure of reaching out to users willing to learn/listen to differences in etiquette from what they were used to.

That dialogue is important to foster a good community, instant vilification only leads to unnecessary harm. (There are some exceptions of course, i.e. people posting CP/Zoo, that's an instant ban/suspension, but that's still only banning the user and not the instance, I can't monitor 24/7 and I don't expect others to, the closest thing I might do is set up a bot to basically hold/hide posts until human review)

@Wander Knee jerk reactions are an issue yeah.

Usually when reports come in I'll do a initial judgement (i.e. hide post/mark it sensitive) and reach out to come to a solution.

Thankfully, more often than not I've had the pleasure of reaching out to users willing to learn/listen to differences in etiquette from what they were used to.


@Wander i did post on the fediblock tag about that community, but my intent was so admins could remote suspend the group and its creator rather than the entire server; perhaps i should have been more clear there (and in future when something like that comes up again)?

Tyrone Slothrop

@Wander Uh, looks like the system is working as intended.

If there´s an instance hosting whatever goes in "The_Donald" communities, I would expect my admins to defederate from that instance in a heartbeat.

Nobody here needs that shit.

Dan Fixes Coin-Ops

@slothrop @Wander Agree defed the_donald, in this case aye the admin plonked the sub when they logged on and saw it, but by that time sounds like the shit had already hit the fan

Lotsa thunderstorms this time of year, power outages, admins on different timezones, admins just not tied to their computers 24/7. "In a heartbeat" aye, strong agree, but can we agree to actually *give* them a heartbeat eh

Mike Fraser :Jets: :flag:

@Wander Exactly! I call this practice weaponzing fediblocks, and I'm strongly against it. It's the equivalent of a cyber lynch mob.

Ben Sahlmueller

@Wander “There is no such thing as The Fediverse.”


@Wander As a practical convenience, the admin of any instance might care to make an association with two others, each situated 120 degrees around the world, so that there is usually someone around to say "hang on a moment, Mike will be back when his part of the world faces the Sun again, in a few hours."

Brian Hawthorne

@Wander @mastodonmigration “If we ever aspire to become a serious alternative to corporate platforms”

Well, that’s the crux of the issue, isn’t it? Do we aspire to become a “serious alternative” to corporate platforms? I suspect many of us do not. And even among those of us who do, many likely have very different ideas about what a “serious alternative” might look like.

I have no problem with the Fediverse consisting of several entirely isolated and mutually unfederated parts, as it already does today, and I see instances defederating as part of the dynamic nature of changing relationships among the disparate islands in the Fediverse archipelago, even if those shifting alliances mean breaking connections among individuals. The Fediverse encompasses everyone using ActivityPub, not just those of us on instances that subscribe to the Mastodon Server Covenant.

The only way to have a “serious alternative” to corporate platforms is to recognize that the Fediverse is not, will not, and cannot be a uniform, united entity. Just like individuals and states, islands in the Fediverse are constantly renegotiating their diplomatic relations with other islands. Sure, this means that individuals may see their connections to people on other islands severed, but individuals in the Fediverse have agency, and I consider it a strength of the seriousness of the Fediverse that with that agency comes the responsibility to manage one’s own information and connections.

The patronizing approach of corporate media to individual “users” is what needs to be replaced. People are so used to the us-vs-them approach of users and corporate owners, that they mistakenly bring that mindset to the Fediverse. There is no THEM in the Fediverse. There is just US.
Some of us volunteer our time to write code. Some of us volunteer our time to run instances. Some of us volunteer to moderate instances. Some of us donate money to help support instances. Some of us engage with people. Some of us write fascinating articles. Some of us find and boost interesting posts. Some of us are readers. But nowhere in all of those individuals is a “them”.

If individuals feel that people losing connections due to defederation is a problem, the solution is not to rail against defederation, but rather for those individuals to identify how they would like maintain their connections in the inevitable and, I would argue, desirable dynamic of shifting alliances, and to then implement those solutions in code.

The serious alternative that the Fediverse offers to commercial platforms is the concept of individual agency, respect, and responsibility as a replacement for Owners and Users.

@Wander @mastodonmigration “If we ever aspire to become a serious alternative to corporate platforms”

Well, that’s the crux of the issue, isn’t it? Do we aspire to become a “serious alternative” to corporate platforms? I suspect many of us do not. And even among those of us who do, many likely have very different ideas about what a “serious alternative” might look like.


@bhawthorne @Wander @mastodonmigration

> islands in the Fediverse are constantly renegotiating their diplomatic relations with other islands

I think negotiation and diplomacy means talking to the other party before taking drastic actions...

Simon Frankau

@bhawthorne @Wander Watching random stuff disappear & wondering who the admins are going to fight today sounds quite like the a way of making Twitter 2.0 users at home on Fedi! :)

Fedi should always have room for people who want to isolate or strictly control their federation and constantly renegotiate, but I think there should be a core with a simple standard for federation & stable links, suited for users more interested in chatting with their follows than admin politics. ...

Simon Frankau

@bhawthorne @Wander And I think this will happen, for a reason you mention: Users with agency will choose instances that work for them. Having random friends disappear unexpectedly feels bad & a lack of control, so most people will want to be on instances with stability.

I'm hopeful this will happen, as such a net is more attractive for getting people off the big co. nets & fewer people under billionaires' whims.

And people who like fragmentation can live on fragmented instances! Win-win!

Wogan May

@Wander Maybe the real moderation is not blocking the harmful stuff, but keeping communities from tearing themselves apart from drama?

防空識別區ᴏᴜᴛᴇʀɴᴀᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ:adm1::adm2: This is just how the Fediverse works, unfortunately. Lots of instances our there with open federation for those who desire far-reaching content accessibility.


@Wander Wait so ... what was "The_Donald" then? Were they full of racists?


@catraxx If it's anything like the subreddit, then it's a cesspool of MAGA lovers that spew whatever backwards rethoric the Republican Party is currently peddling.

And they of course think the carrot did nothing wrong.


@nanianmichaels Ok, well then ... good thing it got fediblocked ...

Cyber Ken :confusedlucy:​:rebeccaangry:​

@Wander This has been a problem even on other federated platforms as well tbh.

Edit: The problem with Lemmy is that it just doesn't have all of those nicer moderation tools that mastodon and other platforms have. It'll be nice if they implement them though.

Canadian ant
@Wander Ironic that a redditor would go to any other website and not conform to their culture and policies perfectly.
The Lonesome Driver


Is it possible, as an instance sysop, to moderate creation of communities?

Wander ΘΔ :verified_paw:

@jpaskaruk yes and no. You can restrict it and then take manual requests via DM which is what I do.

There could be a bot to help out with this community request process but I'm not aware of any at the moment.

The Lonesome Driver


So this admin could conceivably have prevented this community from being created in the first place? I'm just trying to figure out the domain of error here. I don't currently run any instances, but I plan to and I'm collecting info on this.

Now, I'm certain that the _donald community was busy very quickly, but what was the timeline between creation of community and the dude logging on and removing it? Minutes? Hours? Days? Very incomplete narratives all over the place here.

Tired Bunny :bunhdcomfysleep:
@Wander I know of a situation where followbots made by trolls appeared on Ukrainian Mastodon instance claiming to be "Ukraine Nazi".

This was an attack on open registrations server because trolls knew moderators were offline due to outage, but admin had a lot of trouble asking other instances to lift defederations afterwards, and I have personally seen fediblock posts saying to not hesitate and block by domain (though person who posted it was nice to edit post when I pointed out misunderstanding)
@Wander I know of a situation where followbots made by trolls appeared on Ukrainian Mastodon instance claiming to be "Ukraine Nazi".

This was an attack on open registrations server because trolls knew moderators were offline due to outage, but admin had a lot of trouble asking other instances to lift defederations afterwards, and I have personally seen fediblock posts saying to not hesitate and block...
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