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The Lonesome Driver


Is it possible, as an instance sysop, to moderate creation of communities?

Wander ΘΔ :verified_paw:

@jpaskaruk yes and no. You can restrict it and then take manual requests via DM which is what I do.

There could be a bot to help out with this community request process but I'm not aware of any at the moment.

The Lonesome Driver


So this admin could conceivably have prevented this community from being created in the first place? I'm just trying to figure out the domain of error here. I don't currently run any instances, but I plan to and I'm collecting info on this.

Now, I'm certain that the _donald community was busy very quickly, but what was the timeline between creation of community and the dude logging on and removing it? Minutes? Hours? Days? Very incomplete narratives all over the place here.

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