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@pixelfed @dansup
I've got feedback from some heavy Instagram users that Instagram Import is the second most important feature for them (after federation). More important than MicroUI, Stories, etc.

Basically, lack of import is a show-stopper for them. Especially considering that Import does not seem to make sense for established accounts, and so if they migrate now, they won't be able to Import once it is implemented.

Would be great if you'd consider prioritizing it over other features.


@penartur @dansup Thanks for the feedback!

IG Import will backdate all imported posts, allowing existing accounts to use Import without flooding their followers timelines.


@pixelfed As far as I can see, there’s no way to change a post from "unlisted" to public, right? And unlisted posts also dont show up in search. If I share an imported (thus unlisted) post, will that be visible on other people’s timeline, and would it be searchable?

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