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L'égrégore André ꕭꕬ

@deadsuperhero @gruber On the comparison with email I think it's a good parallel: every serious email provider has an extensive blocklist against domains sending spam/phishing/etc mail, much in the same way every serious fedi instance have an extensive blocklist against bad actor instances.
A lot of Mastodon admins are simply viewing Meta as a lot of email providers are viewing Jeremy Jaynes or Davis Wolfgang Hawke: they shouldn't be allowed on the service because of their documented history.

Sean Tilley

@Mabande @gruber That's an interesting point! I was more focused on the aspect that self-hosting email is kind of a nightmare in 2023, due to a handful of corporations basically dominating the space.

Hypolite Petovan

@deadsuperhero @Mabande Which means the largest email servers actually have an allowlist rather than a blocklist, they will drop email from unfamiliar senders. The protocol itself is open, and yet nobody can set up an email server and expect to reach users on GMail or Outlook that make the majority of the network.

It’s indeed a good parallel against Meta’s coming to the Fediverse.

L'égrégore André ꕭꕬ

@deadsuperhero @gruber Oh yes! Gmail and others deciding that "small" email providers were to be labeled as spam just because they're not enterprise sized* would be like a couple of massive mastodon instances (like .Social and the incoming Meta) deciding that small instances were silenced by default even without a history of bad behavior.
* Happened to my alma mater, 20k+ accounts, back in the 00's, so they had to abandon running their own service.

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