@anders_von_hadern @vagina_museum The idea of lesbians being considered a “third sex” or as falling intermediately on a gender scale between men and women, or as partaking of both male and female traits (all slightly different concepts, but related) is fairly old. As in, maybe as old as classical philosophy. I’d have to go through my research notes for specifics but it might make an interesting topic for my podcast. (The #LesbianHistoricMotifProject podcast.) 1/+
@anders_von_hadern @vagina_museum The concept is often rooted in the idea that one’s gender is defined in relation to the object of one’s desire, so it can sometimes give the appearance of erasing the category of “lesbian” in that it classifies lesbians as “not-women” and therefore negates the concept of “woman-loving-woman”. But there have been a number of variants on the idea of “lesbians (or homosexuals in general) as third sex” across the ages, with different nuances. 2/2