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Tim Chambers

New research from my team on the #TwitterMigration:

This is our 3rd quarterly update on which platforms are growing, new entries such as #BlueSky, #Substack Notes, #Nostr & all public data on Meta's #project92
Includes latest on the #RedditMigration,
New polling, new posting data & more.

Welcome any notes or feedback & boosts!

Get it here:

cc: @spreadmastodon @fediversereport @fediversenews

Jodsclass 🏴‍☠️☕

@tchambers This report is brilliant. Really enjoying learning about the migration. I just logged into Twitter to check DMs, and it was an absolute fire-hose of brand content & celebrities self-promoting. The first tweet from a "normal" user was about 80 tweets down my timeline. Most of the real people I've followed seem to have left or are lurking.

Gory Umbrella

@jodsclass @tchambers mastodon is great for a filtered, gentle approach but you dont get the immediacy of twitter, not that I can see. But everytime I pop across to check things on the bird, I regret it.

Jodsclass 🏴‍☠️☕

@GregoryMandry @tchambers I agree with that, but for me, engagement dropped off a cliff. If I ask a question or post a tweet, I just get followed by a lot of false accounts soliciting for sex with sexy avatars. It's hopeless. Today I asked on mastodon for coffee machine recommendation & have been flooded with actual people recommending. Far better.

Gory Umbrella

@jodsclass @tchambers I don't tend to toot/tweet, I really just read and respond occasionally, so finding people to follow is crucial and that is tricky here, but I'm getting there slowly.

Jodsclass 🏴‍☠️☕

@GregoryMandry @tchambers Stick with it. Toot about your interests & things you like & a community will make itself known to you. Well worth investing time. So much so, I use IFTTT pro now & exclusively post on here, but allow IFTTT to repost my posts to twitter with a link back to them on Mastodon, hoping to bring people over to at least give it a try.

LN :anarchoheart3:

@jodsclass @tchambers They also seem to have stuffed the FYP with ads to make the supposedly ad-free Blue more appealing. Plus there's a big "get verified" CTA.

Dawid Rejowski


Does this count all ActivityPub users or just Mastodon?

Jared White

@tchambers Incredible work. We're seeing the early days of a wholesale transformation of online discourse. Very exciting.


@tchambers Great overview!
I take my "snapshots" from two different sectors (OG "funny Twitter" and the clout-chasing networks) and see a similar overall decline in account numbers.
Perhaps the most significant for your research is that a lot of the second group (predominantly Gen Z/Millennials) have moved to TikTok and I think that's the market Barcelona/Threads is after. They're already on Insta, so it's to reel them back to a Twitter-esque environment. They're a huge force in ad revenue calculations.


@tchambers Can confirm that Feedly has a seamless share to Mastodon button.

Thomas Schmall


Super informative!
I've heard so much talk about #BlueSky and #Post, that I expected a different picture. "Invite-only" might kill their buzz in the wrong moment.

My experience with blue-checks chimes with the report: Their toxicity is destroying #Twitter. But I have trouble changing my habit to use it. Still finding interesting info there.

The bot problem will come to Mastodon though. Will be interesting to see solutions.

Off Topic: What is the font of the pdf? Looks beautiful.


Super informative!
I've heard so much talk about #BlueSky and #Post, that I expected a different picture. "Invite-only" might kill their buzz in the wrong moment.

My experience with blue-checks chimes with the report: Their toxicity is destroying #Twitter. But I have trouble changing my habit to use it. Still finding interesting info there.

Alan Martello

@oxpal @tchambers I miss some of the folks and news orgs I followed on Twitter - but honestly I don’t have enough time to keep up with the posts/boosts on my timeline here and the quality is at least as good and the variety is actually better.

Thomas Schmall

@amart @tchambers I find that Twitter's more selective algorithm helps to find random gems in the noise. Even from accounts I don't follow. Here currently I get only random posts - especially on the global feed.

The downsides to their algo and moderation are pushing me away though.

Alan Martello

@oxpal @tchambers I recommend following @donmelton - he’s like a human algorithm here boosting a wide variety of voices, viewpoints, topics, and ideas. Definitely center-left but with reasonable practicality which for me works out just great. I’ve found loads of new and interesting folks to follow from his boosts.

Honestly I think Don is an algorithm vs a person since he rarely posts himself and always favorites any posts I make that tag him. 👍👍


@tchambers @spreadmastodon @fediversereport @fediversenews tweeter really has fear about mastodon :) I tried to create multipost app and they blocked it :)

beforewisdom 🖖

@tchambers @spreadmastodon @fediversereport @fediversenews

Compared to lame choices, some not even released yet.

It will be interesting to see a similar chart 6 months after BlueSky and project92 are released.

Tim Chambers

@beforewisdom @spreadmastodon @fediversereport @fediversenews

Yes. BlueSky now that they are getting federation working, are planning to ramp up their onboarding of their 1.9 million user waiting list. And who knows what happens with #Project92?


@tchambers excellent, in depth, unbiased analysis. Obviously, a lot of effort went into this. I am even more encouraged after reading it on the future of the #Fediverse! Very well done!

Tim Chambers

Also a big call out to #FediDB data. The entire Fediverse section of this report would not have been possible without that resource.

cc: @dansup

Alessandro Corazza

@tchambers @spreadmastodon @fediversereport @fediversenews

Any ideas as to why there would be 10k fewer of them from March to May?

Tim Chambers

@alessandro @spreadmastodon @fediversereport @fediversenews

This only tracks *active Twitter users* who have added alternative accounts to their bios. I think some of the changes in different social accounts in bios is do to those users going inactive.

Brinin’ Rotkel

@tchambers @alessandro @spreadmastodon @fediversereport @fediversenews
I was wondering about that. What's considered active? This could be interpreted either as fewer people using Twitter (and possibly being active on these other networks), or that people are dropping most other networks and going back to Twitter. Seems like very opposite takeaways depending on how this was collected.

Tim Chambers

@brandonlivesin @alessandro @spreadmastodon @fediversereport @fediversenews

Active equals posting or socially engaging in any way on the Twitter platform in the days we studied.

Jonathan T

@tchambers @spreadmastodon @fediversereport @fediversenews "Tapbot released Ivory, an iOS version of the Mastodon app. In addition to updating their iOS app and releasing a new Mac OS[sic]"

I'm sure they're talented but perhaps not *that* talented. (Typos on p. 19)

Tom 🇨🇦

@tchambers @spreadmastodon @fediversereport @fediversenews
A writer in a recent issue of that left-wing rag Scientific American mentioned their Mastodon handle by way of contact info in their mini-bio

Deadly Headshot

There are still people on Hive? I thought it went bust after the scandal?
@spreadmastodon @fediversereport @fediversenews

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