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Alan Martello

@oxpal @tchambers I miss some of the folks and news orgs I followed on Twitter - but honestly I don’t have enough time to keep up with the posts/boosts on my timeline here and the quality is at least as good and the variety is actually better.

Thomas Schmall

@amart @tchambers I find that Twitter's more selective algorithm helps to find random gems in the noise. Even from accounts I don't follow. Here currently I get only random posts - especially on the global feed.

The downsides to their algo and moderation are pushing me away though.

Alan Martello

@oxpal @tchambers I recommend following @donmelton - he’s like a human algorithm here boosting a wide variety of voices, viewpoints, topics, and ideas. Definitely center-left but with reasonable practicality which for me works out just great. I’ve found loads of new and interesting folks to follow from his boosts.

Honestly I think Don is an algorithm vs a person since he rarely posts himself and always favorites any posts I make that tag him. 👍👍

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