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Jodsclass 🏴‍☠️☕

@GregoryMandry @tchambers I agree with that, but for me, engagement dropped off a cliff. If I ask a question or post a tweet, I just get followed by a lot of false accounts soliciting for sex with sexy avatars. It's hopeless. Today I asked on mastodon for coffee machine recommendation & have been flooded with actual people recommending. Far better.

Gory Umbrella

@jodsclass @tchambers I don't tend to toot/tweet, I really just read and respond occasionally, so finding people to follow is crucial and that is tricky here, but I'm getting there slowly.

Jodsclass 🏴‍☠️☕

@GregoryMandry @tchambers Stick with it. Toot about your interests & things you like & a community will make itself known to you. Well worth investing time. So much so, I use IFTTT pro now & exclusively post on here, but allow IFTTT to repost my posts to twitter with a link back to them on Mastodon, hoping to bring people over to at least give it a try.

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