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David Revoy

Yesterday, users of instance lost their connections to artists at instance ( src: ). I hope giving visibility to this issue will help them to restore the broken bridges.

Mx Amber Alex

@davidrevoy "lost connections" is a fun way of saying "was taken by mstdn's admin"

MagicLike | #AfDVerbotJetzt

@amberage @davidrevoy as stux already apologised, I think we can all calm down and take it as an action of the moment, which was emotionally influenced.

Mx Amber Alex

@MagicLike @davidrevoy to be frank, someone who blocks 30,000 people "as an action of the moment" which was "emotionally influenced" (you might call it a hissy fit) is not fit to be admin.

David Revoy

@amberage @MagicLike @amberage Yes, but I also thought it was a bit late to rub salt in the wound that's why I selected my words to focus on the rebuilding part :blobcatheart:

Kit Rhett Aultman

@davidrevoy @amberage @MagicLike "Rebuilding" without accountability is the kind of denial that keeps a cycle of abuse alive.


@davidrevoy @amberage @MagicLike

Rebuilding this might need a bit of accountability and a structure which makes such mistakes harder in the future.

No one needs their emotions wired directly into a pain button that hurts thousands and stux needs to make sure this not not how mstd blocking works in future.


@amberage @MagicLike @davidrevoy was gonna say. I was looking for an excuse to check our calckey, and this might be it.

Fish Id Wardrobe

@amberage @MagicLike @davidrevoy The way I see it: stones and glass houses. Hardly the first admin to reflexively hit "block" then regret it.

I blame the tools.


@amberage is notorious for blocking or limiting multiple popular servers for arbitrary reasons.


not sure that bridge is up to spec

David Revoy

@p Hehe, it's a sketch from 2019 and it's fun because I made my first real work of masonry last week, and if I had to redraw it, I would do it differently. Mortar paste can't be that sticky and solid. I was shocked to see how it was more like mud with sand in it, gluing nothing, and requiring casing for any volumes. So, I totally agree with your observations. 😺


@davidrevoy That is SUCH a cute picture!!! It should be a murial!


@davidrevoy pardon my ignorance, is "" the same as "" or a different instance?

Is there any kind of documentation on how to keep track of who I'm following so that I can restore broken follows the next time breaks the fediverse or is otherwise excommunicated by other instances?


@davidrevoy the short dumb answer is Preferences > Import/Export > Export, which will produce a dump of everything. Or just collect the CSV for "follows".

Is there any mechanism to be notified that one of my "follows" is no longer accessible? Do I just have to re-follow everyone every other week?

David Revoy

@manicdee They are different, but I also mixed up the two instances at first so I think many will have the same feeling. Their naming really overlaps too much; it just sounds like one is the URL shortening of the second... I could disambiguate the two by their number of active users mainly:

- (31K active users)

- (220K active users)


@davidrevoy thank you for the clarification. Now I can try to understand my options for the rest of my questions at a more relaxing pace :D Although I'm sure it's only a matter of time before gets in trouble for what the people that use it are saying or doing.

Sojourn :coffefiedyellow:

@manicdee no they are separate instances. is the giga mega server by @Gargron and #Mastodon devs. It's considered the default most used. is a smaller (but still very very popular) #fedi instance ran by @stux who is a hobbyist irrc. They also run multiple other instances under cool names. Just like the instance I'm under, , is also ran by Stux

Vint Prox

@manicdee @davidrevoy

These are completely different instances hosted by different owners.

You can export your followers via settings in Mastodon web application. #MastodonSocial's impact on the Fediverse is overstated - as long as there is a relay server that your instance can depend on, is but one of the noisy figures that can be safely removed. Not without caveats, but, if people you follow don't sit there, it's fine.

karin Sorenby I so hope we all will stay connected.🥰🙏Have an awesome day..

Experiencer (Mastodon)

@davidrevoy it was resolved at 3pm BST yesterday right? As far as I know, curator and one other account is blocked, that's it.

Eniko Fox

@experiencersinternational @davidrevoy the follows between the two servers don't come back when an admin unblocks another server. They stay gone unless people manually refollow

Jack Yan (甄爵恩)

@eniko @experiencersinternational @davidrevoy Yep, lost 400 connections when suspended last month.

Mirre :mastocheck:

@experiencersinternational @davidrevoy yes but the unblock doesnt fix all the users who followed each other between the two instances. Imagine suddenly no longer following your friends from another server overnight. That happened to 20000 users. The damage is done.

Helgi Crookehorne

@davidrevoy the art really lacks those men... maybe add some Tu-95 bummer with propellers, that launched propeller bombs (made in Aliexpress) at those ladies



beautiful, and its arch-itecture certainly works for me 🙂


@davidrevoy amazing work! (Even though those look like an awful lot of bricks and stones to be cuddled casually)


@davidrevoy the NOSTR protocol does not allow this to happen. The fediverse needs to adopt it to prevent this from being repeated.


@davidrevoy It was a matter of time. This is my one problem with mastodon. They can't take over the platform but that doesn't mean us users have the power. It's the instance admins instead of a big company...


@CEbbinghaus @davidrevoy we need an actual decentralized network based off freenet. Where we all host content on our devices (we all keep a small rpi on at all times with a chunk of the whole data), this your key to the network and allows you make your own subgroups for close friends easily. We need to start realizing the cost of social media should be distributed along with its power.

Tonya Canning

@davidrevoy I'm on and my follow list is still full of people from Their profiles wouldn't display during the brief period the server was blocked, but there wasn't a permanent severed connection that I can see.


@davidrevoy This does rather overlook the slight detail that have themselves suspended multiple popular instances for entirely arbitrary and bizarre reasons.


@davidrevoy like when the mechanical team meet up with the software team..

Loukas Christodoulou

@davidrevoy for me the particulars of this incident aren't the most important thing. My takeaway is that no instance that wants to be taken seriously should be able to take action like this based on just one person's feelings. Collective decision making helps us be better than we would be alone.


@davidrevoy to be honest, I think it is not ok to fully blocked an instance, since this is anti-fediverse. @Mastodon should remove “block a server” function, as this gives the admin the superpower over what the users on their server can see and interact. Simply silence a server from appearing in one server’s public timeline should be the ultimate solution. Every user/ resident in one server should have the freedom to choose what they can see.

Gen X-Wing

@davidrevoy That is a lovely piece of art!

(Aah, can’t keep it in. Viking helmets didn’t have horns:) That looks like a Wagner opera:) But I don’t think it takes away from the image. It kinda makes me think of some management type game. Like a Settlers of the World type game.)

Arne Babenhauserheide

@davidrevoy awww, this is beautiful! Thank you for helping to reconnect!

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