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maxmoon 🌱


Hi David,

how did you manage it to be so successful without depending on Youtube (Google) or Instagram (Facebook/Meta) or any other closed source software of a big company?

I find it depressing to spread out a good message / a video about #sustainability on Youtube, because I don't want to make rich people richer and it's pretty paradox if you're an utopian propagating an utopian world, but publish on Youtube. But otherwise I am afraid I don't reach anyone on Peertube or similar platforms.

How did people find you? I guess you didn't pay thousands of Euros for advertisement 😀

Sorry to bother you, if you already answered the question, I couldn't find it in your Q&A:

Have a beautiful day 🙂

1 comment
David Revoy

@utopify_org Hey, you can publish on both; and Youtube, and Peertube. Peertube admin panel can re-upload a Youtube video with the full description and all by just pasting the URL; so it's not a big effort to mirror a channel and propose an alternative, that's what I do.

To meet your audience, many 'tools' exists: being active and helpful on communities (good old forum, IRC/Matrix chat channels), using hashtags. And just be yourself and focus on your quality. That should do it 🙂

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