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Justinas Dūdėnas

@dansup Glad you're back on track. I was afraid #pixelfed was abandoned. I basically could barely use it from mobile (videos wouldnt upload, arranging sequence of photos not possible), so I didnt even take time to report issues. I hope to try it out again in upcoming days and write things down.

Keep going, this project is needed!


@dudenas @dansup
Dansup, I like your work and you can count on my support in all the things you do.

But from my humble opinion, I think that pxielfed needs to mature a bit more. What do I mean?
instead of continuing to implement groups ..etc, why don't you improve the notification system? Or just launch a pixelfed mobile app? Languages ​​of the instances ..etc.
These are things that would make you gain more followers to Pixelfed and the Feddiverso

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