@jerry Thank you, Jerry, that's very kind of you. Sometimes I lack words to express how much kindness I encounter here, and I know I often repeat it, but you are wonderful guys. Truly.

We have challenging times ahead. We need to cover critical functions in the code, develop better moderation tools, focus on performance, and create user-friendly documentation. By doing so, it will be much easier. And I intentionally use the word "we" because what is happening on Codeberg is absolute madness.

It definitely won't be easy for me either because I take this project very personally, but I need to delegate tasks and share the responsibility. Only in this way can we seize the opportunity that has unexpectedly appeared. An opportunity to build something special here.

Now I'm going back to bed. A series of emails woke me up, and I thought something critical was happening on the instance. It's nice to be pleasantly surprised :)