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Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

Y’all: I have been wrestling with kbin on the instance, but I want to take a step back and give some perspective. Kbin is new, it’s growing crazy fast, and it really wasn’t in a place to support the migration from Reddit. Despite that, @ernest has been working his tail off knocking down issues and helpings instance admins.

Reddit certainly seems to be tripling down on their position and I think kbin is shaping up to be a worthy alternative. If you like kbin (on whatever instance you use it on) and want to see it grow, may I ask that you throw some money Ernest’s way? (

I want to publicly thank Ernest for kbin and for his contributions to our growing fediverse community.

/back to whatever you were doing.


@Em0nM4stodon @ernest @jerry @alex_02 I wasn't a reddit user but am having fun on kbin. Love this fediverse thing!

Fennix :donor:

@jerry @alex_02 @ernest I threw in 5 coffees as well. Kbin as an alternative to reddit so far seems awesome, and supporting a dev to work on it seems like an easy win to me.

Cyber Yuki

@jerry @ernest I made a small forum with fedia but someone beat me to it elsewhere, so it's a testament to trying out new things and quickly discarding them.

Michael Vilain

@jerry @ernest Thanks for the heads up Jerry. I just tipped him 5 coffees.

Spellbind0127 I would like to thank you for doing the same by putting online and for also putting up. I also think you have been doing an excellent job tying to make the software work without to many issues. Thanks so much @jerry


@jerry @ernest Sadly I will not be buying Ernest a coffee...


I'm a big fan of Kbin too, not missing #turdsite at all at this point. #kbin #reddit

Elias Mårtenson

@jerry @ernest Thanks for the heads up. I made a small contribution.

Steven Roose

@jerry @mastodonmigration @ernest Isn't #kbin written in Javascript? I doubt that will be able to scale to anywhere needed for large adoption.. But then again, what do I know, Facebook is written in PHP 🤷

Pauliehedron ✅ :donor:


Good news, it's written in PHP and Symfony framework and uses Rabbit for queues.

So has a future as big as Facebook! :ablobcatnod:​ :blobsalute:​ 😂​

Steven Roose

@pauliehedron 😅 I can only imagine what ablobcatnod and blobsalute means 🤣

Pauliehedron ✅ :donor:

@stevenroose As I originally wrote: Yes, Respect and Joy; in that order! :ablobcatnomcookie:​


@jerry Thank you, Jerry, that's very kind of you. Sometimes I lack words to express how much kindness I encounter here, and I know I often repeat it, but you are wonderful guys. Truly.

We have challenging times ahead. We need to cover critical functions in the code, develop better moderation tools, focus on performance, and create user-friendly documentation. By doing so, it will be much easier. And I intentionally use the word "we" because what is happening on Codeberg is absolute madness.

It definitely won't be easy for me either because I take this project very personally, but I need to delegate tasks and share the responsibility. Only in this way can we seize the opportunity that has unexpectedly appeared. An opportunity to build something special here.

Now I'm going back to bed. A series of emails woke me up, and I thought something critical was happening on the instance. It's nice to be pleasantly surprised :)

@jerry Thank you, Jerry, that's very kind of you. Sometimes I lack words to express how much kindness I encounter here, and I know I often repeat it, but you are wonderful guys. Truly.

We have challenging times ahead. We need to cover critical functions in the code, develop better moderation tools, focus on performance, and create user-friendly documentation. By doing so, it will be much easier. And I intentionally use the word "we" because what is happening on Codeberg is absolute madness.


@jerry @ernest
Kbin is absolutely our best reddit alternative right now. Lemmy is good and I'm glad it exists, but it feels more alpha than anything right now.

Kbin on the other hand feels more polished. It needs work, definitely, but you can feel the potential when you use it.

Thanks to all the devs out there working to build the future. Who knew it's what we'd need in 2023 😂

James Harmony

@jerry @ernest Anyone knows if search engines index fediverse posts? Or is it too early to tell since its just getting traction

Osma A

Search engines ingest the web sites, if they're not JS-only frontend (like Mastodon) or noindex. None (reveal themselves to) index the AP streams themselves to have a native (and public) fedi index (yet).


@jerry @ernest what’s the difference between kbin and Lemmy?

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