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Fedilab Apps

Discovering how devices make things more complicated to use free softwares.

Martin Be

@apps Fuck play protect! This piece of google crap does nothing except bothering people. This thing offers no protection of any kind. That's only an bullshit.


@MartinBe @apps Well it's called Play Protect.
It protects Google Play from any competition that costs revenue.
It also blocks the Installation of YouTube Revanced

Martin Be

@Albert180 @apps Yeap, this thing only protect their money harvested on millions of android devices users. 😂🤣


@apps To be fair, actual malware will probably throw up that same warning. So I'm super glad they de-emphasize the "install anyways" button. I like being able to install whatever I want, but I don't want my grandma to discover an install button and accidentally install actual malware.

But it is irritating that F-Droid trips that warning. Are the "privacy protections" something that could be implemented, or is that Google speak for "user data collection" or something gross?

Boozy McTypo

@Charlie @apps Riddle me this: If it's actual malware, why wouldn't Google just remove it from the Play store instead of throwing up a Play Protect warning? They run both pieces.


@m3lang3 @apps
They probably do. FDroid isn't available on the play store, so this is not a great example. But if an app on the Play Store tripped the warning, it would look really bad for Google if they show this warning because it says "we know this software might be dangerous and we're hosting it anyways."

Malware exists on the Play Store, but either Google turns a blind eye (too risky. It'd be _really_ bad if someone proves it), or the devs engineer the malware to dodge the safety tests.

@m3lang3 @apps
They probably do. FDroid isn't available on the play store, so this is not a great example. But if an app on the Play Store tripped the warning, it would look really bad for Google if they show this warning because it says "we know this software might be dangerous and we're hosting it anyways."


@m3lang3 @apps this warning is mostly in place for the Email scammers that say "You need an updated version of your banking app. Use this link." And then they give the victim an APK that trips the play protect warning.

It makes this kind of scam way more difficult to pull off since not only does the victim need to enable installing apps from the web, they also need to convince the victim to ignore the big "THIS APP IS UNSAFE" warning.

Torsten Grote

This is just because regular @fdroidorg does not target recent SDK levels (like malware does). Already fixed for basic and soon in regular F-Droid.


@grote yeah people are bashing it but it actually keeps the device safe

Orca🌻 | 🏴🏳️‍⚧️
What's the reason of F-Droid's not able to target higher SDK versions? I heard the reason is that, higher SDK version restricted access to external storage, which impairs F-Droid's ability to share apps via usb drive. Is that correct?

@grote @apps @fdroidorg there is nothing wrong to target older API (because old devices exist and by limiting the API set, the behaviour is much more predictable).

It's just Google doing Google things.
Dawn Tåke 🌙:sparkletrans:

I just got a friend to install f-droid for NewPipe, (the person she's bumming YouTube+ off of is cancelling it and the commercials are too much now,) and she had to ask me about that popup.

Thankfully I'm more adventurous. :P

If/when I ever come out as trans, (as I am VERY trans on here,) to her I'll invite her to Mastodon and get her to use Fedilab. :P


@apps i trust fdroid much more than the virus and ad filled play store

🌸Lilyana Marie🌸

@apps You never turned play protect off? I usually nix it within 5 minutes of obtaining a device.


Google play protect being trash, not surprised

Johnny Peligro
@apps fdroid should update their sdk level

@apps this isn't "making things more complicated" this is telling people to avoid a potentially dangerous app that is using very old APIs that should be updated by now.

I'm sure this will not be a warning if F-Droid actually updated their app's APIs

Guillaume Lacasa :dotnet:

Because Google cares soooo much about user's privacy 😒

🌱 Ligniform :donor:​

@apps a lot of good points in this thread tbh. I don't think its a horrible thing to warn end users. Someone who wants to use fdroid will know what to do here.


@apps I would call this hateful design.


@apps That's so very cursed. Not presenting "install anyway" and "go back" as equal options is a dark pattern

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