@Natureshadow @pinkyfloyd @helge @smallcircles reminded of what @lrhodes was recently talking about over here https://merveilles.town/@lrhodes/110531681973739369 and is quite similar to something I recently posting about (tagging @bengo cause they were in the discussion)
The more types of specific activities we make work in the fediverse the more flexible we need to make the interfaces we use to interact with these things. I think design mockups that are not trying to mimic existing platforms are the next step to take.
@liaizon @Natureshadow @pinkyfloyd @smallcircles @lrhodes @bengo I’m starting to be more aware of a fundamental philosophical tension here. On one hand, an idea that content is fungible. Text is text, images are images. A subscription is a follow is a friend. On the other: a humanism that bristles at this kind of decontextualization. Communities and relationships are about mutuality and shared context.