@simon Everyone has a different idea of what they want their social network to be. With the millions of users around here, you can be sure to find opinions spanning the entire spectrum from "I want my neck of the woods to be a completely virtual space where I can escape from everyday worries like commerce and money" to "I'm just concerned that conglomerates are going to completely take over the place with the Coca Cola™ Bear™ and the Charmin™ Bear™ role-playing that they're having an affair."

I think most of us fall somewhere in the middle; we're excited that our friends are excited about the work they're doing, and empathetic when our friends are in desperate need of resources to survive in the capitalist hellscape they were born in, while also pushing back with a healthy dose of scepticism against companies who try to appropriate that sentiment with their overly friendly, quirky, personable marketing.

But I also sympathize with anyone who feels that after being constantly bombarded with billboards and slogans and guilt-trips and teary-eyed charity drives in meatspace from dawn to dusk, they want their experience on the fediverse to be one that doesn't involve any solicitation of any kind.

The fediverse, like every other virtual space, more so than any other virtual space, is not one person with one opinion.